Examination of Dermond Hurly
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fol. 123r
The Examinacion of Dermond Hurly alias Murly taken before vs, the viij of September 1652
Saith that aboutt the first easter, after the breaking forth of the Rebellion, he this Examinant, was in the Castle of dundannell Castle, which Castle was vnder the <A> Comand of ffynyn mc Teige Glibbe, and that he was in the said Castle, when some of the ward there had were brought in, three englishmen (vizt) Rich: Combes the Elder, Richard Combes the younger and John Baker, two of which were hangd the same night as this Examinant saith, by Mr Hollands house, neere the said Castle; the younger elder Rich: Combes promised a somme of mony to saue his Life (vizt ten pounds) wherevpon he saith that ffynin mc teige Glibbe, donogh รด Murly Murphee & Donogh mc ffinyan mc owen, had bettweene them about the somme of foure & thirty pounds, which upon promise of Ransome, he the said Combes, Junior senior fetcht Out of a place in or neere his house where he had hid it, and this examinant sayth that although he was promised his life vpon the payment of ten pounds; yet they tooke the whole some of 34 li. and afterwards hanged the said Combes./
the marke [mark] of
Dermond Hurly
Examinant & Jurat coram
John Clerke
ff: Wheeller
fol. 123v
Dermond Hurly examinacion
about Combes