Examination of Pierse Coggan
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fol. 135r
<symbol> The Examinacion of Pierse Coggan of Ballincourt in the County of Corke gent aged seauenty twoe yeares or thereabouts, beeing Examined saith./
Saith That in the Lent time in the first yeare of the Rebelli{on}The Lord President St Leger sent an Order to Phillip Barry oge to raise the strength of the Barony of Kinalea to apprehend such persons as Endeauoured to robb the English which the said Barry oge did accordingly hee further saith that about a fortnight after the receipt of that order or thereabouts (as th{is} Examinant remembreth) the Rebell Irish forces incamped at <A> Rochfordstowne and they vnder the Comand of the Lord Muskry and Generall Garrett Barry from which Campe there were sent about fiue or six hundred horse and footte into th{e} Barony of Kinalea who raised the Inhabitants of that Baro{ny} and kept their rendezvous on the west side at Belycooly { ] and that there were present at the said rendezvous himself Capt Phillip Bar{ry}oge Dauid oge Roch James Roch James Mellesent, and all the rest of the Gentlemen of Kinalea that were arraigned ffri{day} last before the high Court of Justice Excepting {Wm?} Mellesent Garrett Nugent and Mlaghlin รด Line (of whose beeing there hee doth not remember) Hee further saith that there was no Consultation or Councell held ther as hee knoweth of; Hee further saith that hee heard that Robert Beere and his wife and Pas cell Dolbeare & Da: some other English people were kept prisoners in Belgooly castle and were hanged dureing the continuance of the said rendezvous there but by what orders hee knoweth not, and further saith not;
Pierce Cogan:
Wm: Gookin
Robt: Gookin