Deposition of William Hamond

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:56 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1643-08-14
Identifier: 830134r105


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Galway & Roscommon
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Captivity, Death, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Stripping
Commissioners: Edward Piggott, Henry Jones
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 134r

The Deposition of William Hamond Clerke Prebend of Killabegs in the Diocese of Tuam. & county of Galway sworne & examined deposeth & sayth Aug. 14o 1643.
Who being sworne vpon the holy Evangelits deposeth that he hath lost by & since the begining of this present Rebellion in Corne, tyethes, goods etc. to the value of 180 li. sterling at the least; and in all probability is like to loose the benefite of this present harvest which will advance his losses 100 li. more & is like to loose the future proffits worth 100 li. per annum <280 li.> vntill a peace be setled And also deposeth that dureing his abode in his Maiesties fort of Galway, (from Christmas 1641 till May 1643) he obserued the Inhabitants of the Towne of Galway almost wholly to be open Rebels, amongst the which were most actiue, Sir Tho. Blake, (kild with their owne Ordinance shooting against a Pinace <A> of the Kings) Sir Val. Blake. ffrancis Blake, John Blake (& many more of that Name) Rich. Martyn (Mayor at michielmas 1642) Patricke Darcy, Olliuer oge french, George Browne, Andr Browne; Dominicke Skerrit, etc. Of the County of Galway the deponent hath observed, to be leading men in this Rebellion Morogh na Doah o flaherty Morogh na Mart o flaherty, Rickard Burke of Derry- <b> macLaghlin, Thomas Burke of Anbally, Redmund Burke of Kilcornan ffrancis Bermingham, (heire to the Honor of Athenry) John Bermingham sonne to the Lord Bermingham; William o Shaghnessy, And though the whole Countrey (except some few that followed the Earle of clanricard) were actually rebels yet those aforenamed. seemed to the Deponent the most stirringe & are both in meanes and place the most potent in the that County
He further sayth that upon the 19th of March. 1641. the Townsmen of Galway treacherously and violently surprised a shippe of about 300 tunne rideing in the Harbor, (one Rob. Clerke being master of it) and in that act murthered 4. men outright, and wounded others, one whereof dyed not long after. the sayd men of Galway tooke all the Ordinance out of the sayd shippe, & the other Armes & carryed them into Galway, & haueing pillaged the shippe wholly caryed her to new Harbor (3 miles off) where she was broken up by the [ ] countrey.
He also sayth that upon the 12. of April 1642. some rogues of the Campe that then beseiged the fort of Galway came & snatcht up a poore woman (wyfe to one William Johnson, souldier in the forte, stript her, kild her, putt a with about her necke & dragd her to a pitt.
Also upon the 17. of April 1642. the souldiers of the fort in a skirkmish haueing kild 2. or 3. of the Rebels that beseiged it, some rogues in the Towne, if not of the Towne, did some few howers after in Coole bloud

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(to agrauate their malice) kill 3. English people (one whereof was a graue ancient gentlewoman named Mrs Collins) and carryed one of their heads up & downe the streets upon a pike, to the great terror of all the English. the Towne pleaded not guilty of this fact, but thus farre they must needs be faulty, that the agents were entertained & let into the Towne by them nor did they ever after (that the deponent heard) make any enquiry after or punish these malefactors.
In the moneth of July 1642, Capt. Willoughby sent out 5 troopers from the forte to tell the Inhabitants of the Con Countrey thereabouts that they might safely come with any comodities to the fort or towne, for no violence should be offered to them by any under his comaund; these troopers were <A> trayterously circumvented by the Lord Viscount Clanmorris (who had not formerly declared himselfe rebellious) and 3. of them (William Wrowlright, James Perciuall, Richard Bennet) presently hanged by the sayd Lord, not without most barbarous & inhumane agrauations of cruelty:
Vpon the second of August 1642. 6. men being sent in a Boate from the fort of Galway to a Castle called Kilcolgan (that stands by the sea syde, some 6. miles from the fort) were at their landing tray- <B> terously apprehended by Redmund Burke of Kilcornan & his adherents, and 5. of them presently hanged.
William Hamond
Jur 14o Augusti 1643
Edw Pigott
Hen: Jones

The Deponent further sayth that he hath often heard that Dr Koally titular ArchBishop of Tuam and oneLynch <C> Warden of Galway were the most actiue incendiaries and promoters of this Rebellion.
He also sayth that being in the fort of Galway, he was told by Patricke french, & John Joyce (then Prisoners in the sayd <D> forte) that Patricke Darcy and Richard Martyn Lawyers were the men that first moued the Towne of Galway to Rebellion, both by their letters from Dublin and theire instigation when they came to Galway
William Hamond
Jurat: vt supra
Edw Pigott
Hen: Jones

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Mr William Hamond
Jur 14o Augusti 1643



Deponent Fullname: William Hamond
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Clergy
Deponent County of Residence: Galway
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Tho. Blake, Val. Blake, ffrancis Blake, John Blake, Rich. Martyn, Patricke Darcy, Olliuer oge french, George Browne, Andr Browne, Dominicke Skerrit, Morogh na Doah o flaherty, Morogh na Mart o flaherty, Rickard Burke, Thomas Burke, Redmund Burke, ffrancis Bermingham, John Bermingham, William o Shaghnessy, Remund Burke, Dr Koally, * Lynch, Patricke Darcy, Richard Martyn, Lord Bermingham, Earle of clanricard, William Johnson, Capt. Willoughby, Rob. Clerke, Mrs Collins, William Wrowlright, James Perciuall, Richard Bennet, Patricke french, John Joyce
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim