Deposition of Daniell Reardan
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 144r
Daniel Reardan of Tuame in the Countie of Galway Clearke sworne and examined, deposeth and saith, that he lost by this Rebellion in bookes and Church=meanes, money and Gold, Cloathes, and household stuffe with two horses, the value of seavenscore pounds ster: att the least:
ffurther he saith that the most parte of the aboue summe hee lost by Pierse ffitz Gerrald alias called McThomas in Castle= <A> dermott who pillagded his studie burnt the most parte of his bookes and gaue some of them to the fryers, broke open his truncke, distributed his Cloathes to his verie shooes and stockens to some of his souldiers.
Item he saith, that the said Pierse caused a poore Irishman to be hangd who had some relation to one of the Greymes uppon suspicition to be a spie.
Item he sayth that some of Capt: Gerrald fizt Ger: mc Morish of <B> Narraghbegg and of McTho: his souldiers, did first wound, stabt And afterwards did hang a poore English woman in betwixt two Carres which Came forth from Catherloe she being siklie & begging for fiue dayes before in Castledermott
Daniel Reardan
Jur 18o May 1643
John Sterne
Edw Pigott
fol. 144v
Daniell Reardan Clerk
Jur 18 Maij 1643