Deposition of William Merets

Collection: Bysse Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:20 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-05-30
Identifier: 825249r230


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork
Deposition Type: Bysse
Nature of Deposition: Robbery
Commissioners: Philip Bisse, Richard Williamson
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 249r

William Merets losses of Clomerollan in the of the towne & parish of C l omerolan in the barony of Condons and County of Corcke gent a british protestante duely sworne and Examined before vs by vertue of &c deposeth and saith that in february January last past 1641 hee was robbed and foceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the seauerall Vallues followeinge Viz value of 399 li.-15 s. sterling
Of Cowes and horses taken away by the rebells to the Vallue of one hundred Tenty seauen pounds and fiueteene shillinges ster of Corne in stake to the Vallue of threecore pounds ster of houshould stuffe to the Vallue of Twenty pounds. I And this deponent ffurther saith that hee lost by a lease of a parcell of land called Ballirise which hee bought two yeares since & Cost him the summ of one hundred and Twelue pounds ster. And this deponent likewise deposeth that hee Lost by meanes of this rebellion in an other Lease of another parcell of Land which hee held called Balligodun clon del of which Land & farme hee had 3 liues yeeres to come of one of his neighbors about a yeare sithence for which hee refused fourescore pounds which he verily beleeues to be woorth soe much before the begining of this rebelli { on } The summ totallis of his losses amountes to the sum m of three hundred Nynety Nyne pounds and fifteene shillings ster. And further this deponent Cannott deposeth & saith that Richard Condon & Richard John Condon of Ballineparke in the said County gentlemen & others were the parties that robbed this deponent aboute the time aboue menconed & further he deposeth not
William Meris
Jurat coram nobis
30 Maij 1642
Phil: Bisse
Ric: Williamson

fol. 249v


William Meretts Examinacion
143 Corke


Deponent Fullname: William Merets
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Cork
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Richard Condon, John Condon
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel