Deposition of Raph Lambart
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:08 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
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Raph Lambart Late of the towne of Galway gent. being duelie sworne before vs this day saith. That he hath Lost at the beginginge of theise Last warrs in mealch Cowes horsses Mares Corne hay and other thing goods which he had in the Kings Countie worth one hundred pounds ster. <{1}00 li. { }0 li.> at the least besids 100 barrells of Salt which he Left in a Celler in Galway and paid for Cellerage and all the Salt before hand which Salt was vnto John Martin fitz Peeter merchant which Salt was comonly worth ten shillings per barrell, also he saith that he had a Lease of two houses with a Corne Mill & a Tuck mill for 15 yeares in the County of Mayo in Cahirnamart the repairing of which Mills with three Loomes & all other necessaries for Cloathinge cost the deponent 40 li. ster. at the least. Morouer he saith that he hath in due depts due <A> vnto him from the Lord of Mayo 29 li. ster. from Hugh mc Kean & John o Murroghow (the said Lords tennants) & servants) 34 li. Edmond Coille 8 li. ster. besids aboue 60 li. ster in seuerall smale depts due vnto him <102 68 30 li.> the said deponent all which debtors are in Rebellion and besids [ ] thirty pounds ster in goods taken from this deponent (20 Monethes after the troubles began) by Redmond and Thomas Bourk fitz Edmond of Kilcornan in the County of Galway <B> both Notorious Rebells and besids aboue fifty pounds ster which pillaged English men are seuerally indepted vnto him and not able to make him the said deponent any satisfaccion. all which afforesaid Losses & depts Amounts to 401 li. ster. at the Least And the said deponent saith that himself & his family with many other pillaged persons did repaire went for Reffuge both to Loughreogh & Port umny vnder the Right honorable <C> the Earle of Clanrickard, and saith that one Hugh Langredge a house Carpenter being a servant of [to] the Late Earle, & the now Earle of Clanrickard theise 28 yeares & a dweller in Loughreogh afforesaid about July 1642 had occation to goe to the woods to cutt som timber about 5 miles from home & tooke with him one of his Sons of the age of 15 yeares and Lodginge in an Emptie house one night (in a scattering smale village) there came 5 men and brake in vppon them being both asleepe <C> the cheife of which 5 was wherof was called Rowland Bourke, who had formerly beene a souldier in my the said Earles foot Company but through Som misdemeanours was Casheered, they first bound the said Hugh with his Son, then [ ] Led them forth in their shirts a quarter of a myle <this was done about July 1642> after bound each of them fast seueraly to two trees about 20 yeards assunder and then began to cutt hew and stabb them so Long as they perceiued any Life in them the said Rowland one with his short sword another with the said Hughes broad Ax, and the rest with darts and skeines, the father receiued 17 sore wounds and the Son receiued 9 wounds assoone as the Mallefactors had ended their intended mischeife on the said persons, they forthwith
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forthwith returned back to the house to pillage the rest of the said Hughes tooles with his victualls, & cloathes and more money (for 8 s. he deliuered them at their first coming into the house). And within a while after the Carpenter being a strong harted ould Man began to reviue, & called to his Son and asked if he weare Liueing who answered he was sore wounded, & could not tell wheather he should recouer, for his head was almost cut off but his throat had scaped, the father Replyed that he feared he could not recouer, for he had receiued a stroke vnder his ribbes with his owne broad Axe, so that his bowells came forth. then he willed his Son if he did recouer, to comend him to his wife & children & freinds, & to report of his vsage and so recomended him selfe and his family vnto Almightie God by an Earnest prayer, which ended he began to Sing a Psalme, but by that time the his wicked Butchers weare returned from the house and <the said> Rowland said are you singing, then Ile singe with you, and gaue him a blow on the head with his sword that his braines did appeare as this deponent hath seene within 3 dayes after when the Corpes weare brought home on a Carr, but the youth was cured on the Earles charg who doth <B> keepe him euer since Also this deponent saith that about July aforesaid 1642 [ ] time there was a poore ould Minister named Mr Korbett that his whose Liveings in time of Peace weare within 4 miles of Loughreogh but in the troubles he remained in Loughreogh for reliefe and saftie as the rest did, yet in expectacion of some kindnes from his parrishioners he went towards his parish, and by the way had his head cutt of by 2 young Cowe heards (whose names he knoweth not) that knew him the said min i ster, one of them was apprehended by Captaine Tho: Leicester whoe should haue hanged for the fact, if that had not one of Capt Rickard Bourks souldiers being then on the maine guard which had the charg of all prisoners let him out of the stocks & also appointed to looke to the prisoners, this deponent heard the prisoner say when he was demaunded wherefore he Murthered so harmles a person, that he thought he had done god good service in killing <C> of an Englishman and especially a Minister. This deponent saith further that ther was a souldier whoe was a papist, but an English mans sonn of the Earles Company soone after about August following murthered one night in his bed being an English mans son the murtherers fled. Also ther was an English man that dwelt at the Aby of Cnockmoy murthered in his house by a yong gent whose name I he knows not now, and the Earle caused him to be hanged in Loughreogh, Moreouer this deponent saith that he <himself> had a Sonn at Nurss with one that dwelt in Clanconnow vppon Sir Vllick Bourks Land so that the deponent could not send for him, (it being about January 1641) the child was beaten by one of Hubbert boy Bourks souldiers <D> so that he died within 3 daies, the souldiers name I the deponent could not Learne he also threttned to burne the house if they did entertaine or harbour any hereticks meaning protestants. The deponent saith further that about february 1642 there was a crewell Murther comitted at the
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<D> Abby of Boyle by Charles mc Dermott one of great mc Dermotts Sons and his men who one night came into the said towne of Boyle and there Murthered many persons amongh which this deponents Sister & one child with hir husband william Stewart weare slaine, as the deponent hath beene creddibly informed by both Irish and English, And he hath likwise beene credibly tould both by Irish and English that there was a crewell murther comitted on about 20 persons [ ] English <E> at the Silvermines by one Mr Kennedy who afterwards fell Madd & drowned himselfe And the deponent saith further that he heard it creddibly reported that about December 1642 [ ] one Conn o Roirk of the County of Leitrim (then a new made Collonell) did produce a supposed Comission from his Maiestie vnder the broad seale [encerting ] wherin full power was given to the Irish to banish all the English and dispoile them of all their goods, but this deponent hath beene credibly informed by som of the Irish that the said broad seale was a Seale of Pattent for Lands that the said Collonell had gotten at Mohill when he tooke it from Mr Henry Crofton and that he the said Co n n or som others did forge a Comission & fix it to the same Also the said deponent saith further that he hath beene credibly tould by Mrs Thomasin Brewrton <F> alias Leicester now a Papist that shee knew an English man that Liued in or about ofaly, who to fas saue his life & goods went to Mass and being fully resolued & absolued by the Preist that he was in the best way of Salvation the said Priest tooke him forth about half a mile from his house and with them went an irish souldier the Priest and said are you fully resolued that you are in the right way of Salvacion and fully Satisfied in all points of Religion the poore man answered he was, then quoth the Preist Least you should fall any more into sin or relapse, you shall heere suffer & gaue Comission to the Souldier to kill <G> him which he then did & theire buried him in a sand pitt. The deponent saith further that he was informed by a poore woman that escaped the inhuman murther at Sligoe & cam to loughreogh that after the Murther done they Layed the naked boddies of the men and women togeather in so inhumane Like or Imodest manner as is not fitt to relate, And so solaced themselues in so doing by theire pipers & singing And after the Murther at Shruile <H> there weare diuerse poore persons that altered theire Religion staid in the Cuntry & went to Mass & weare protected in the Contry, but and when Sir Charles Coote had giuen the ouerthrow neere Ballintober vnto them of the County of Mayo, they m (after they returned home from the battle) fell vppon theire protected English & had they not beene prevented had put them all to death yet some few they did driue into the Sea and [ ]
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forced into the Sea and there drowned them, as he hath heard this the deponent hath beene tould for a certaine truth by som of the Lady Binghams servants & others (but by which he their names canot remember)
And this deponent further saith that at the begining of theise troubles it was Comonly reported amongst the Irishh Rebells in Connaught that they would haue a Province Kinge [ ] meaning o Connor Dun
<A> And further saith that it hath beene a Common report in Connaught from the f begining among the Irish in Conn that they weare promissed great Ayde both from the Pope from the Kings of Spaine and ffrance both of Men and monyes for furthering their Catholick warr, and now of Late within a Moneth past he heard it Comonly reported both at the Navan and Athboy th amongst the Irish that the Pope had sent them word and dire Comaund not to make any peace at all with the English, for that his holines would this Summer send them great forces therefore he willed them to get [ ] or to procure a Cessations and all that, vppon paine of Excommunicacion and further he would send ouer forces to roote them all out if they did not obey his direction with this Caution neuertheless that if his holines forces did not come this sumer then they should agree to a peace and not otherw{ise}
Raph Lambart
Jurat 9o Julij 1645 coram
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton
<Another thus signed delivered vp to the board>
Mr Raphe Lambart
Jur ixo Julij 1645
1 no
[401] li.