Deposition of Raphe Carr
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:58 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 27r
the third of January 1641
Raphe Carr of Clenlorgie in the parrish of outrach and County of Leathrum Glover and now a souldier in his maiesties service in Dublin an English prodestant aged xxviij yeares or thereabouts being duly sworn deposeth that since the Rebellion began he was Robed and disposessed of a Cartron of land Clenloigy hold from my Lord Parsons for 17 yeares full stock with Inglish Cattell to the valew of four score pound besides a fine and building for my land xij li. in horses and mares x li. in Corne and hay fourteene pound in houshould goods brasse and pewter and provision forty pound in money twenty thre pound in all the some of seaven score <159 li.> and nineteene pound and nothing to maynetaine my wife and four children and aprentice wench which was good as naked but by my pay O n the the xx{ } th of o ctober the same was taken by Charles mcGouran of Tullalia in County Cavan a frehoulder and his followers which <A> was owen GilliCrests sone Teig Gilly Christ near Tullalia and teige mcmartins near Tullalia people and when I was dispossed of all my goods, I mett with Charles mcGouran riding <B> with his sword drawne and Phelim mc Gouran and one Grimes and askt them what athoryty they had for taken away my goods the sayd they sayd hadd the kings broade seale but they sayd they would not show it but they sayd that we (meaning the English) must all goe to our Country and they must keepe theirs for it was the Kings pleasure thorow Ireland and I wisht them to take heede what they did for I thought th{ey} did more then they could answere they bad me hould my toung and sayd I was tow sausy tow examine them and bad me goe my wayes for feare of worse harme
Raphe Carr
deposed this 5t of January
1641 before us
Roger Puttocke
William Aldrich
he is a souldier of Sir Charles Cootes Company
11 e c c
fol. 27v