Examination of Phylemy mc Donnogh Carthy
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The Examination of Phylemy mc Donnogh Carthy of Tulligg in the parish of hill Cooleman In the barrony of barrets Aged ffifty yeares taken Sept 18th 1652
That in summer 1642 this examinant returning from the mountaines with his Cattell; wase Informed by his neigbour Donnough mc danniell Carthy that there wase two Englishmen taken by Doctor รด Healie out of A partie of English that wase going with a Convay from <A> Mackrompe towards Corke vnder pretext of the said Doctors wantting such to worke for him; & that the foresaid two English men was hanged vpon this examinants land by the foresaid Doctors Appointment (as this examined) examinant was informed by his said neighbour & as was generally; reported upon downe the Country; And this Examinant further saith that he was Angry; with the doctor for putting; them to death upon his land. And went to him and Asked why he would deale soe discourttiselly with him as to hang men upon his Land; Butt the Doctor denyed that he did it; & this examinant further saith he saw theire Greaues graues vpon his Land. And that his people durst not Goe Abroad A nights for them; and being further demanded what became of the rest. Answereth he knoweth not; & further saith not;
Phyleny mc [mark] Owen Carthy
his marke
Jurat & Examinant
Coram nobis
ff: Wheeller
Peter Wallis
fol. 162v
{the examinaction of ffynen}
mc donnough Carthy
about the Collier & Nayler
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