Examination of Donnough O’Healy
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fol. 168r
The Examinacion of dr donnough O Healy of Carnody in Barretts, aboute the age of taken the 16th of September 1652
<Sayeth:> That in summer in the first yeare of the warres (as he best remembreth) as he this Examinantt was goeing from his owne house to see a Patient, he mett (on the rode from Muckrompe to Corke at a place called Kilmurry in the Barrony of Barretts) a partye of Irish soldiers conveighing about a party of the English (at least twelue) men women & children from Muckrompe towards Corke, And this examinantt further sayeth that the next morneing he heard that two of the foresaid English men were hanged the day before vpon the bounds of Kilmurry, And the rest that went for Blarny were <A> killed, Corke were Murthered that night or the next day betweene Corke & Blarny: And this Examinatt further sayeth, That the principall men in that Convoy (to the best of his knowledge) was one William oge Slaboh for then of Blarny and Teige Mcdonnough Carthy of Clorough, who was shortly hanged after hanged by the Lord Muskery, for that fact or some other. And for the rest he doth not know or remember the names of any of them: And he further sayeth, the reason why he was not able to know more of them was, his being soe much a stranger in his owne Country, for that he came but a yeare before out of ffrance. And further sayeth not.
O Healye
Jurat & Examinantt
coram nobis
ff: Wheeller
Peter Wallis
fol. 168v
of Curvody’s Exam:
touching the Collyer
and a Nayler