Examination of Richard Gething

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826171r193] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:50 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-10-23
Identifier: 826171r193


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Investigative
Commissioners: Jenkin Lloyd
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 171r


The Examination of Richard Gething taken before the high Court of Justice at Kilkeny xxiiith October 1652
Who being demaunded whether one Trunk of Papers or writings belonging to Mr Archdeacon Biss wherein were conteyned severall examinacions and deposicions of persons of the Brittish nation robbed and stripped by the Irish Rebells in the yeare 1641 & afterwards did not come into or were not remayneing in his hands doth depose as followeth
That he well remembreth that in the yeare 1642 Mr Archdeacon Biss being therevnto Authorized by Commmand from the then Lords Justices Did come into the Province of Munster to enquire vpon Oath after the losses and sufferings of the Brittish Protestant subjects by the Irish rebellion, and that the said Mr. Biss haueing spent some tyme therein was in his passage betwixt the Townes of Corke and Yoghall, way Layed & murthered <A> (as was comonly reported) by one Gerat of Dromaddagh Soone after the murther of the said Biss the Lord of Inchiquin then Comanding in cheif in the Province of Munster did send vnto the said Mr Biss his Lodging in Yoghall for the said Trunck of papers wherein the Examinacions and deposicions taken by the said Biss were conteyned, which was accordingly brought vnto Lordshipp, and his Lordshipp haueing occasion shortly after to repayre vnto the King then at Oxford & vnderstanding that there were at the same tyme Agents with his Maiestie both from the Brittish protestants and the Irish rebells his Lordship did carry with him that Trunck of Papers intending to make vse thereof to make knowne to his Maiestie the bloody and barbarous proceedings of the said Irish, but his Lordship after finding Cause to returne back without making any use or instance of those writings in regard of the prevalency of the Irish Agents at Court the same as this Deponent most confidently beleaueth was left in trust with Lott Peer esquire formerly secretary to Sir William St. Leger knight late Lord Presydent of Munster since

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deceased whose wife and sonne are now resident at or neere Audley=end in the County of Cambridge, And this deponent remembreth very great Care to haue bin taken and much Caution given for preservation of that Trunck and beleiueth but dare not confidently aveere it that order was given for the sending of that Trunck vnto Sir Phillip Percivall at London but whether the same were accordingly done or no hee knoweth not, hee also beleiueth That Thomas Betteworth Esquire then Agent for the protestant forces in Munster can say somthing as to that Trunck which is all this deponent can at present declare vpon his Oath &c.
being further demaunded whether hee knew knew or hath heard That the said Trunck of writings came vnto the hands of the Lord Digby any other personn not before mentioned hee sayth hee neither knoweth nor hath heard (vntill this day any such thing

Ric: Gething
October 23th 1652
Sworne in Court
Jenkin Lloyd Registrar

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The examinacion of Mr Richard
Gething taken at Kilkenny

Deponent Fullname: Richard Gething
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Cork
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Archdeacon Biss, Gerat *, Lord of Inchiquin, Lott Peer, William St. Leger, Phillip Percivall, Lord Digby, Thomas Betteworth
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned