Deposition of John Harrisson

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:19 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1644-04-23
Identifier: 831072r074


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Leitrim, Sligo & Mayo
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Apostacy, Assault, Multiple Killing
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, Henry Jones
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 72r

The Examinacion of John Harrisson Esquire one of the Justices of the peace for the County s of s ligoe & Roscom m on touching the cruelties comitted by the Irish against the Englis h [ ] in Connaght taken before vs his Maiesites Commissioners to that end authorised whoe being
This deponent duely sworne saith that from the 24th of october 1641 vnto the xiiith of January 1642 hee remained at the Garrison of Boyle in the County of Roscomon in Connaght where hee heard of the seuerall passages heere vnderwritten
That about christmas an n o 1641 after the takeing of Taghtample Mr William Croftons house in the County of Sligoe there came to the garrison of Boyle one Mrs <B> olephant wife to William Oliphant minister and preacher of gods word where this examinant faleing into discourse with her of the passages and there being at Titample and askeing of her what became of the husband shee then a in a very pittifull maner related vnto this Examinant that after the takeing of the said house her said husband was surprised l a i d hands one by the direccion of one John o Crean who as shee thought <A> was the cheife man in takeing the said house and after prest by them to become a papist and that if hee would doe soe then they would spare his life which if hee did not then not to expect any mercy at there hands but hee continueing stedfast in his religion at Lentgh was by the direccion of the said Crean draged at after a horse Taile for the space of a Mile & a halfe and then they perceiveing that hee was not quite dead [ strip ] stobbed with him with skaines and cut of his head.
John Rodes Clothier & his wife great with Child stealing over the curlews to vs from Ballinafad were both hanged theon at one tree theother at another this was told this examinant by them that saw them hang there [ ]
John Stananaway of Sligoe butcher with his wife and Children were to be convoyed to vnto the boyle by some of the I rish that vndertooke to doe it ouer the mountaine of Curlews his they directed the wife and children were directed to goe before who did soe and made good hast to vs to the boyle but Stanaway never came but was afterwards found Murthered and b y the curlews, this was told vnto this examinant aswell by Stanawaies wife as by them that saw him lye kild in that manner
<A> After Sligoe was taken vppon quarter before Christmas anno 1641 some of the English came to vs to the Boyle others staid at Sligoe to the number of vijen or Eightscor{e} persons being loth to leave there litle goods and being promised to enioy them quietly. who were in a seemeing maner made much of <B:> by Teige o Connor Sligoe in soe much that they were his day guard waiteing vppon him in the day tyme with Armes who at lenghth being fearfull and to carry favour with with the said o Connor went all to masse and soe continued for a matter of vj or vijen weekes, vntill some disaster hapening to the Irish party in the North one of the Gallochgers as th is came to Sligo where which in a short space all these English that were there were somoned to be at the Goale house being then a Court of guard where meeting alltogether that night were murthered save 2 or 3 that in that hurley burley gott [ ] out from among them and by mean s of the dark e ness of the night gote away and afterwards related t his message to some that [ ] related t his message the same to this Examinant

fol. 72v

The deponent further saith that as he remembers faleing into discourse with Amy Phips wife vnto Edward Nusen C lothier soone after the takeing of the Towne of Sligoe by the Irish shee related vnto this deponent to his best remebrance that her husband received seuerall woundes in the massacre of Sligoe comitted by the Irish against the English and that the said Edward Nusen was hanged in his wounds hard by Ballinafad w which was confirmed wa vnto this deponent as well by the relacion of his said wife as by some of the protected Irish with vs that sawe him there hang
This deponent further saith that after the Battle of Ballintobber which was in August 1642 some of the Trope of the Boyle namely William Stewart & Richard Constable came from t hence to vs to the boyle where relateing of the Joyfull victory had against the Irish the said William Stewart would needs goe to his wife being the daughter of Josias Lambert Esquire to a cabin without the walls and Joyfully relateing the said Newes to his wife a party of the Irish stood heareing him at the door who were <A> related to be Teige mcDermot in cheife Robert mcNemee late of Ballinespurr & seuerall others of the County of Sligoe who at lentgh broke in and said are you relateing of your Newes and soe fell vppon the said William Stewart & hee defending himselfe dragged him into the streete & there cruelly murthered him & likewis e his wife also e & left them both [ where] t he y both left vppon there faces in the streete & soe they were found next morneing and they likewise killed seuerall wome men women & Children to the number of xvijen persons some of the Children lived some two daies after their woundes given whose gutts this deponent seuerall times sawe hang out of thre sides seuerall tymes before theire deaths
<mr B>
Jo: Harrisson
Jur 23o Aprilis 1644
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton

Deponent Fullname: John Harrisson
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Esquire
Deponent County of Residence: Sligo
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: William Crofton, William Oliphant, John Rodes, John Stanaway, Edward Nusen, William Stewart, Mrs olephant, Amy Phips, John o Crean, Teige o Connor Sligoe, Teige mcDermot, Robert mcNemee, Richard Constable, Josias Lambert
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Witness, Witness, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned