Examination of John Brown
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fol. 231r
Gallwway 9ber the 15th 1652
The Examinacion of John Brown of Neile esquire taken before two of the Commissioners for administracion of Justice for the Precincte of Gallway touching the Murther of Shrowle
<A> The said Examinant being Examined, sayth that he was at Shruell that morneing that the Murther was Comitted vppon the English the occasion of his being there was that the Late Lord of Mayo & the late Bushops of Killala, & some English & Scotts with Sir Henry Bingham came that night to this Examinants house where they Lay that night after they came from Ballenrobe, & was Importuned by the said Bushope & the said Lord of Mayo to goe along with them to Shruell & further sayth that at that tyme he had noe Comaund with the Irish, & from Neile he went with the said English & the rest to Kinlagh Walter Bourkes town wher they stayed that night & from thence to Shruell, where they stayed that night being the night before the Murther was Comitted, & when the English were goeing, ouer the bridge of Shruell th it being the next morneing went along in the bridg with them & noe further & haueing seene some a stripping returned back & Imediatly after, heard shotts goe of but th saw none killed, & he further sayth that he saw sir Theobald Bourk son to the said Late Lo: of Mayo, goeing ouer the Bridg, before to the County of Gallway afoote with the Bushope of Killala, to whom he lent his horsses & of the said Moyl Theobalds returning back he knoweth not, for this Examinant ride out of the town after Imediatly for his own salfty
John Browne
<before vs Commissioners for administracion of Justice,
Peter Stubber
Robt: Clarke>
fol. 231v
fol. 232r
fol. 232v
Examinacions touching the Murther of Shruell
Lo: Mayo &
John Brown
At the Courte at Gallway