Examination of Isaac Philpott
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826237r248] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:20 PM
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fol. 237r
The fore named Isaac Philpott in addition to his above written exmynation further deposeth: That one Joice Deane widow Barkam whoe now <C> Liveth at Bandonbridge is an ancient woman, whoe & was sister fellow servant to Andrew Barkham Late of Bandonbridge aforesaid (a man very ingenious & active, and an Englishman borne) was in the first yere of 14
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earnestly protested to him this deponent, that the said Barkham was in the first yere of this present Rebellion surprised & taken prisoner about two myles from Bandonbridg by some of McCharty <D> Reoghs souldiers, & by them carried as a prisoner to Eniskeine where the said McCarty Reogh kept his Campe, And that there the said McCarty Reogh kept him prisoner for about a moneth to this depoennts now remembrance whether his said sister oftentymes brought him releefe vntill that at length she was forbidden by the said mcCarthy (calling her old whore & Jade) & bidding her come noe more there, soe as after that tyme shee durst not come to releeve him any more: And further saith that by the generall report of the Country the said McCarty & his souldiers carried the said Andrew Barkham from <E> Eniskeine aforesaid along with them to another place called Manche amongst the woods where they encamped againe & that there he was hanged to death, which report in respect of the creditt & generality of the reporters this deponent verely beleeveth to be true, And further saith that he very welknoweth that the towne of Timoleige consisting of above forty howses ows es was all burnd abowt two yeres since which by generall & credible report (which he fullie beleeveth) was done by the forcs of McCarthy Reoghe & that fflorence & Donogh mcCarty his brother were actors therein, the said fflorence then Comanding a Company of foote & the said Donogh then Comanding a troope of horse vnder the said McCarty Reoghe their brother
Isaac Philpot
Deposed as aforesaid
Joh. Harding
Tho: Waring