Examination of William Holcolmbe

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826245r255] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 11:02 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-08-15
Identifier: 826245r255


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Death
Commissioners: John Baker, Thomas Waring
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 245r


<symbol> Captaine William Holcombe of Ballinedee in the Countie of Corke an English protestant sworne & examined deposeth & saith That in the moneth of ffebruary or thereabouts in the yere 1641 one William Goossam an Englishman (whoe had lately before <A> been this deponents servant) was surprised & taken prisoner by night, & carried from Mr Mashes howse at Ould Court in Courcies Country & carried to Kilbrittaine Castle by some of the people that Lived there: where he was kept prisoner for about fowrteen dayes & inforced to carry no water & doe drudgery for the Irish Rebells there, & afterwards hanged, but <B> by whose order he knoewth not the Castle then being in the possession of the ould Lady dowger of Muskery who is mother to the said mcCarthy Reoghe And as this deponent hath credibly heard & verely beleeveth The same being a generall report by & amongst both English & Irish thereabouts: And there were (as this deponent also beleeveth) & hath very credibly heard from the mowths of those of creditt, that about the same tyme there were divers others of the English hanged at kilbrittaine aforesaid but whoe their names ar were or by what parties they were putt to death he this deponent cannott tell, neither doth he know by whose Comission or order they were soe putt to death: The Deponent also saith That about the time aforesaid one Andrew Barcome whoe whoe <C> whoe was an Englishman & a prisoner with the said McCarthy Reaghe was lost his life whilest he was soe as a prisoner either hanging starveing or some other way of death for since that tyme neither the deponent nor any of his other frends did ever see him And But before the deponent he conceaved he was dead he at the deponent by the direction of the Lord Killnameakie then governor of Bandon writt a Letter to the said

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fol. 245v


<D> Vice Countesse Dowager where the said Barcome was or had been to have him exchanged but shee retourned an Answere that he hadd made an escape which this deponent for his part did not nor doth in the Least beleeve for man some said he was hanged & some said he was starved but how soever this deponent verely beleeveth as aforesaid that he lost his life but which way or by whose meanes the deponent cannot tell:

Will: Holcombe
Deposed the 15th of
August 1653 before
John Baker

fol. 246r


fol. 246v


Captain William Holcombe
of Ballinedee Co Cork
A 18.
McCarthy Reagh
A 18

Deponent Fullname: William Holcombe
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Captain
Deponent County of Residence: Cork
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: William Goossam, Lady dowger of Muskery, Lord Killnameakie, * mcCarthy Reoghe, Andrew Barcome
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel, Victim