Examination of Richard Hawes
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fol. 248r
<symbol> Richard Hawes of Bandon in the county of Corke gent aged fiftie seven yeres or thereabouts Sworne & examined deposeth & saith: That he sawe noe murthers or Massacres at all Comitted with his owne eys, becawse he lived in Bandon where which was inhabited by the English: Howbeit hee knoweth that this deponents mother had a servant named Margery White who had Lived there for about twenty yeres. whoe (by the generall report of the Country) comeing <A> to one mc Da Daniell mc Carty alias McDonnell at his howse vpon fforgus in the said County to desire to him the said Donnell to send her Mris some releef out of her husbands meanes which he had in his hands the same woman was near by the said mcDonnells dore most barbarously run through the body with a spitt against an oake: but by whom or whose command the deponant cannott tell, but questionles the said Daniell McCarthy alias mcDonnell must needs know of the doeing thereof: & by whom & in what manner the same was done:
Richard Hawes
Deposed vnto 15o
Augusti 1653
Tho: Waring
Joh: Harding
7 19
fol. 248v
Richard Hawes of Bandon
Co: Corke gent