Examination of Patrick Tomye
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<C> <2.>Patricke Tomye Examined saythe that he did know the widdow Huissey; and without thatt tyme shee was murthered he was a souldier at Blarnye And hearinge that the widdow with others was Goinge bye to Corke acquainted on dermott Rvoe mcdaniell Morphew with it, and desired him to Goe with him to see her beinge an ould acquaintance, But John oge Hallye ouer hearinge them; did advise them to staye; for feare theay should be suspectted if theay should speacke with them that werre Goinge to ther adversaryes, But that nighte the heard, theaye wear killed & ther clothes brought in to ther quarters, And he heard it was donough o Lange that brought in the clothes & kelled her, And he further sayth that Morto oge Rerdan was at the Murder, & would haue saued Kattringe Hussey; but the said Longe, kelled her beinge in the armes of Morto cominge behinde him; And when morninge came, this Examined with Phillipe o Ringe and an other went to burye them; And they found their Murthered in all to his remembrance thirten, whiche theay buried
<And he herrd that on women that was mutche wounded did Gett awaye that nighte, but her Childe was kelled, being on of the thirten, and further he saithe not>
Patricke toumy