Examination of Robarte Sharde
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fol. 248r
Robarte Sharde of Glanarogh in the Barrony of Glanarogh and County of kerry and desmond Boucher, beeing duly sworne and examined before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Commission to vs and others di r ected beareing date &c. deposeth and saieth, that on or aboute the ffowerteenth Day of January last past Anno domini 1642 and since the beginninge of this rebellion in Ireland, hee lost, was robbed and forceably dispoyled of the goods and Chattles to the seuerall values followinge vizt worth 336 li.Of Cowes, heifers horses Mares and garrons to the value of twoe one and twentie pounds Thirteene shillings and fowere pence Of howshould stuffe and weareing cloathes to the value of fforty pounds, Of ready money Thirtie pounds and eight shillings, Of hides in the Tann vates or pitts to the value of eighteene pounds, Of hatts and hattbands to the value of tenn pounds,
The deponent further saieth and deposeth that hee was expelled and dispossed of his dwellinge house and of aboute Thirty Englishe acres Of grownde for and of which hee had a lease of two yeares to come and had beestowed much Charges in ymprooueinge and buildinge in and vppon the premisses to the value of ffowerteene pounds or thereabouts which hee saieth that hee hath
fol. 248v
46hath lost by meanes of the said rebellion./ all his goods and Cattle about the time aforesaid were taken from him by donogh mc ffynen of Ardtulli{ster} time aforesaid were taken from him by donogh mc ffynnen of Ardtullister <B> in the said County Esquire & further he deposeth not
Hee the said deponent lykewise saieth and deposeth that hee hath lost of due debts due unto him as appeares by specialtes and a iust bookes of accompte the sume of two hundred pownds that in regarde he lost his bills bounds & unto the same cannott gett satisfaccion for said debts Of Hey and woode ffi v e pounds The total of his losse amounts to three hundred six and thirtie pounds
Robert [mark] Sharde
Jurat coram nobis
4o 9bris 1642
Phil: Bisse
Richard ffrench
Robt. Shardes Examinacion
C. kerry