Examination of John Sweet (Continuation)
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fol. 260r
[NOTE: This deposition continues from
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<k> spilt much English bloud & more did intend to spill. And that there vpon the said mcCarty Reagh turned him the said Thomas ffitzmorris & his out of the same Castle of kilbrittaine & that he was glad to goe into the Countie of kerrie (where he had some estate) & to stay there
<L> And this deponent further saith that in the first yeare of the Rebellion one Gussam (an Englishman) & his sonn, were hanged at a gallows which the said mcCarty Reagh had sett vp nea within muskett shott & in sight of the said kilbrittaine Castle, And at that time he the said mcCarty Reogh had a guard and inhabited there & there contynued till the English forcs tooke it from him but when Ormonds peace came the said Mr ffitzmorris & his wife enioyed the same till after the overthrow at Dublin aforesaid that mcCarthy Reogh expulced the said Mr ffitzmorris as aforesaid And the said Gussam & his sonn were before they were executed taken & kept prisoners in the said Castle for about a fortnight together:And this deponent in the better knoweth the same to be true for that the said Gussams wife (being an Irishwoman) came to this deponent & desired him this deponent to write his Letter to one that she supposed was this deponents frend for the inlarging of her husband, with desire to know why they deteyned him he being but a poore Laboring man & never having given them offence; And further the said woman when shee retourned from the said mcCarty Reogh tould him this deponent that he the said mcCarty Reogh & his souldiers ware would hang him becawse (as they said) he was an English dogg. The which the deponent is certeine they did for within a few dayes after this deponent with his owne Eyes sawe
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the Carcasses of the said Gussam & his sonne Lye nere the said gallowes which he with soe little <m> earth over them as the doggs in his sight were then feeding of upon their flesh: And this deponent is verely perswaded in his Conscience that the said mcCartie Reogh either Comanded or gave consent to the murthers aforesaid & approved there of for other wise he would have punished the Actors which this deponent never heard nor doth beleeve that hee ever did & soe could not but be guilty of their deaths as alsoe of other Murthers comitted neare the said Castle of kilbrittaine, where he had Comand & power to question or punish any Offenders that were part of his forcs at his pleasure
John Sweet
Deposed vnto the 15th
of August 1653
Joh. Harding
Tho: Waring