Examination of Gilbart Harvye
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fol. 251r
Gilbart Harvye Late of the towne and parish Com of Killarenye barrony of Maggoinhie and within the com of keirye yeoman an Irish protestant duely sworne and examined before vs by veertue of a Comission etc deposeth and sayth that aboute the twenteth of Nouember 1641 the deponent Lost was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods & Chatles to the seuerall values followinge vizt worth 86 li.Of horses and Mares to the value of foure pounds Of houshould stuffe to the value of two pounds Of Corne and hay to the value of thirtye one pounds he Likwise sayth that by meanes of this present rebellion in Ireland he Lost the benifitt of the Leas of the [tailstom] of killarnye wherein he had a tearme of seaven yeares to come worth Coibus anis twenty seaven pounds about the LandLords rent wherein he conceaues himselfe damnified to the value of fiftie pounds the totall o f his Losses amounts to the value of eight in six pounds he Likewise sayth that William Curtess of killarnye barrony of Maggoinhie and within the com of keirye husbandman, Donnell Curtess of the sayde towne & com husbandman Richard Curtess of the sayde towne & com husbandman Thomas Hackons of the said Towne and com husbandman Richard Linigar of the said Towne and com Coper which before this rebellion were protestants are & since turned papist, and further he deposeth not, that James Browne of the Roscastle in the said parish of killarny gentleman tooke away the deponents Cattle horses & Mares aboute the tyme aforesaid from the lands of the Ross Castle were they were brought for their safety alsoe he sayth that his said Corne was taken away by Nicholas Browne of the same brother to the said James Browne gentleman tooke away his Corne from off the said Land of Knockrie at the time aforesaid
<he also saith that Susan Tair Tare Tayer of killarny wife to Tho: Tayor merchant & her Mother Mr Hobson of the same wid: William James & his wife woodman John Herd & his wife glouer all of Killarny were stript aboute the midle of ffebr: 1641 were stript by a convoy sent by Art o lery of Killine in the parish of Killcome gent & further he cannott depose>
Gilbert harvey
Jurat coram nobis 27o ffebr 1642
Phil: Bisse
{Tho} Bettesworth
fol. 251v
Gilbart Harvye
fol. 252r
fol. 252v
42We his Maiestyes Commissioners appointed for the Inquirye and examinacion vppon oath before vs Lately taken deposedGilbart Harvies Examination