Deposition of Jane Douks
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:58 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 226r
177I Jane Douks wife vnto John Dowks of Clancurran within the parish of Kilmore and Baronie of Loghte and Countie of Cauan, doth depose, that my her this deponents husband husband had in personale estate when this Rebellione first begane
li. s. d.
The Lease of Clancuran ---------------------- 60__0__0
Cowes younge and ould ----------------------100__0__0
Sheepe ------------------------------------------ 13__0__0
horses and maires ----------------------------- 18__0__0
Corne and haye ------------------------------- 15__0__0
houshould goods ----------------------------- 16__0__0
monie in the house --------------------------- 5__0__0
debts due to my husband -------------------- 45__15__6
In all ----------------------------------------------------------
All these goods ware taken from my her husband the about the 24th of October 1641 by the hands of Edmond mc Roe o duffie, and Patrik Bradye of Dyne, ffarill mc Caher O Reily of Poole abane in the parish of Kilmore and Countie aforesaid with manye others which I knew not, who when thay hade tyed me by the haire of my the heade to the tables frame made me her confese whare my husbands monie was. and further they those Rebells said that thay had authorite from the Kinge to doe what thaye did
Jane [mark] Douks
Deposed this 8th of Ja.
William Aldrich
Roger Puttocke
fol. 226v