Examination of Melaghlin ô Bohell

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826282r286] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:33 AM

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Date: 1653-12-02
Identifier: 826282r286


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Killing, Multiple Killing, Words
Commissioners: Francis Willoughby, G Vernon, Henry Jones, James Standish, John Temple, Robert Meredith
Deposition Transcription:

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The examanation of Melaghlin ô Bohell of Macrome in the County of Corke; aged aboute forty yeares and taken before vs the Second day of December 1653
<A> Whoe being sworne & examined Saith that as he heard A younger younge man whose name this examinante deponant knoweth not whoe came from Kinsale, was brought by one Gogin to Macrome, where he was putt into the Stockes by Richard Slabagh then Cunstable, there, which said Richard Slabagh Comaunded this examinant after taking him oute of the Stackes to guard him all night, which he did att his owne howse, and the next Morning he was taken away by the Cunstable & as this examinant was informed by the Cunstables & Inhabitants of the towne; the same man whoe Come from Kinsayle was hanged Aboute A quarter of A mile from the towne in A tree that day or the next day after; and being asked where, or about what time, he was soe hanged he sayes it was Aboute two Munthes after that the <B> Lord of Muskerry declared him selfe to be on the Irish party Against the English: hee further saith that to his best remembrance, hee this examinant, sawe the said Lord of Muskerry walking on the Grene green att Macroome the day before that Night, that the said man which was soe hanged was kept by him this examinant, And further saith that one Mris Hussy & about 13 more men & women <C> whoe were English protestants, being to be sent towards Cork with a Convoy, one Donoghe ô Rearden Ensigne (now a Tory Owen McEver, who (he thinks is dead) & donoghe ô

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<D> Connellan came from Blarny to Macroome aforesaid the night before they were sent away: And the next morning this Examinant & five more went from Macrome with the said Donogh ô Rearden Owen McEver and donogh ô Connellan, along with the said Mris Hussy & the rest towards Cork, And saith that when they went from <E> Macroome aforesaid the lord of Muskery was there, He also saith that when this Examinant and the rest went along they mett in the way about eight miles from Macroome one doctor Haley with two more in his Company, who tooke from the Convoy (without resistance of the said Ensigne) who Comanded the Convoy) twoe men where of one was a Collier and the other a Nayler, and as this Examinant hath heard & vereily beleeveth hanged them both, And from that place the Convoy passed forward with the rest as farr as Towre bridge which is about a mile from Blarny, & then the said Richard Slabaghe being one of the Convoy and the Examinant intended that Mris Hussy (to whom this examinant was servant) & the rest might goe the next way by the garrison of Blarny, And then the Examinant tooke the said Mris Hussie with her daughter & a child & brought them part of the way towards Blarny, & tarried in a wood expecting the said Richard Slabagh to come to them but before he came the said donogh ô Rearden the Ensigne <f> missed the said Mris Hussie & her daughter & child, and enquireing what was become of them, the said Richard Slabagh tould him they were gone the neerest way to Blarny. Whereat he swore, & was angry, & cawsed them to be fetcht to him him againe, & went another way till they came within three myles of Cork where the Ensigne Donogh ô Rearden, & the other two men that came from Blarney, with went from them bidding the rest of the Convoy goe home, & lett Mris Hussie & her company goe along themselves, And then this Examinant & the rest mett with one William Slabagh (kinsman to the said Richard Slabaghe) one of the garrison of Blarney whoe asked whither they were goeing, Richard Slabagh answered they were goeing towards Cork, what fooles are yee (said hee) to come soe farr, wee dare goe noe further vnles well armed. Then they all retourned & left Mris Hussy & the rest alone &

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afterwards this Examinant was told by Murtoe oge Reardon <G> who Lived then at Blarny, & is now at Cork,) that Mris Hussy, & the rest in her Company were killd by some of Blarny souldiers, The said Rearden being present whilest they were kild as he told this deponent Examinant, The like report of their killing he heard from Phillip ô Ring & others, The Examinant being asked, where Doctor Heley lived before he tooke away the twoe parties aforesaid, he says he lived at kilmurren: five miles from Blarny towards Macroome, & soe did afterwards till he was hanged, And the examinant never heard that any was questioned for the murther aforesaid either by the Lord of Muskery or any others, although this Examinant ever since the said murthers Comitted hath Lived at Macroome aforesaid

Melaghlin ô Bohells mark
Taken before vs the
day and yeare aforesaid
Rob Meredith
Fr Willoughby
J. Temple
G. Vernon
Hen: Jones
James Standish

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The examjnacion of
Melaghlyn ô Bohell
for the murther of the young
Man & Mris Hussie

Lieutennant rearden sonn to

Deponent Fullname: Melaghlin
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Servant
Deponent County of Residence: Cork
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Richard Slabagh, Donoghe , Owen McEver, donoghe , Doctor Haley, Lord of Muskery, Mris Hussy, William Slabagh, Murtoe oge Reardon, Phillip
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Mentioned, Witness, Witness