Deposition of Winefritt Dearsone
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:04 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 230r
The deposissione of Winefritt Dearsone late of Kilmore within the Countie of Cauan, widdowe, of [ ]
This deponent beinge duly sworne saith that her husband Willyam Dearsone was & she when the rebellion began were posessed of a personale estate, as followeth, vizt
Inprimis The interest of a lease of a parsell of lande called Terenett woorth
woorth ------------------------------------------------------------- 10 li.__0 s.__0 d.
Item In Cowes horsses and other quicke cattle --------------136__0__0
Item In houshould goods --------------------------------------- 64__0__0
Item In Corne hay and Turffe --------------------------------- 35__0__0
Item in ready monies, and bills and bonds ------------------ 48__0__0
All which goods ware taken from me by the means <a> of this present rebellione in particulare by the hands of the Rebells Edmond mc mulmore O Reily, and Mulmore mc Edmond O Reily both of the parish of Kilmore and Countie of Cauan, and thaire followers, whose names I knowe not, and further saith not And saith That theis parties following are some of the parties that stand indebted to her: they being all in actuall Rebellion vizt Edmund o Rely of the parrish of Kilmore & County of Cavan gent & Mulmore his sonn Owen mc Turlogh o Rely of the same Parrish gent & Hugh mc aTire of the same yeoman
signum [mark] predicte
Jurat febr: 27o 1641
Hen: Brereton Will: Aldrich Edw: Pigott
fol. 230v