Deposition of Edward Vauclier
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 284r
Edward Vauclier Voakeley Late of Treley in bar: of Tr e hanmackm { ey in} the Com of kerry gentleman duly sworne & examined before vs by vertue e t c. deposeth & sayth that about the 20th of Jan: 1641, he Lost was robbed and forceably despoyled of her goods and Chattles to the seuerall values following worth 3701 li. Part consisting of debts owing byOf Cowes horses Mares Oxen Sheepe & Swine to the value of four hundred pounds Of houshould stu f fe to the value of twenty one po{ u nds} Of ready mony to the value of one hundred and twenty pounds wearing apparell to the value of fifty pounds Of Corne & h{ay} in house & haggard to the value of two hundred & sixty {pounds} Of debts amounting to the summe of fiue hundred pounds wh ich ere this rebellion were esteeme d good debts, but now become de { s }pe rate by reason some of the debtors are impouerisht protestants {as} John Mason John Barret: Arthur Raulrigh & diuers others which this {de}ponent cannot now remember & the rest Papists & Rebbells as Garrot ffitz Garrald of Ballymadannoll gentleman ffinin mc Dermod Ca{rthy} of Glanorough gentleman Tho: Malowne of the parish of Clougher { } gentleman Edmund mc Shane of Ardglasse gentleman Cnogher Trasey of B{ally} norough husbandman Phelim mc ffinin Carthy of Drumavalligh gentleman Christopher Hickson of Cnockglasse gentleman John Granagh of the s{ame} gentleman all of the com of kerry & diuers others which this deponent canno{t} now remember: Also he sayth that by meane s of this rebellion he is dispossessed of the benefitt of certayne leases in the com of kerry in the said c om as first of the Lease of Newmanner Treley aforesaid wherein he had a terme of fourscore yeares { } come & vpwards, worth aboue the Landlords rent seauenty po{unds} per annum, in which together with his improuements, & howsing now burnt dow{ne to } the ground he is damnifyed to the value of one thousand pou{nds} Also of a lease of Ballynoragh wherein he had a tearme of Se{a}venteene years to come worth aboue the Landlords rent si{xty} pounds per annum where in he conceius himselfe damnifyed to the { value } of six hundred pounds. Also of a L ease of Certayne in Ball ym { ullan } where in he had a tearme of Eleuin years if a certayne wom{an} Liud so long worth ten pounds per annum aboue the Landlords re n { t } where in he con ceius himselfe damnifyed fifty pounds A { lso } of another Lease of Gorty tample where in he had a tear{me} of fourscore & seauenteen e years yet to come, worth abou{e the } Landlords rent seau i n pounds per annum dam: here in one hundred p{ounds} Also of certayne Leases of certayne houses in the said Towne {of} Treley where in he had a tearme of about four score & ninet{eene} years to come which houses most of them being burnt all to thre the number of those that are burnt, are to the number of thirteen he con c eius himselfe damnifyed in the value of six hundred {pounds} The totall s of his Losse {of} goods & Chattles amounts to the { summe } of three housand seuen hundred & one pounds and had thirtie three howses burned to the ground Also he s{aith} that his Liuing goods were takin away by Garrot ffitz James Gerr{ott} of BallymcDaniell gentleman Walter Hussy of Castle Gregory ge{ntleman &} their followers, his houshould stuffe & mony were tak’n away {by} beseidgers of Treley where of, these were the cheife as Do{nogh} mc Carthy of Castlelough in said com gentleman fflorence mc Carthy {}
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<B> Liuing with his father O Donouane in the Com of Corke gentleman gouernor of the said <B> Com: Capt Garret mc Patrick of Aghamore gentleman ffinin mc Dermod Carthy of Glanorough gentleman Captain amonge the rebbells: Donough mc ffinin mc Carthy of Ahartully gentleman Capt Teige mc Dermod mc Cormuck Carthy of nere the Currans gentleman: Captain Dermod o Dingle o Murry arty Fa: of Ballynycourty gentleman Captain Donnell mc Moriarthe of Castle drum gentleman: Captain <C> alias Captain Sugane of nere Glanorough gentleman & diuers others to the number of aboue a thousand: He also sayth that one Donnell mc Moryartho of Castle drum aforesaid gentleman hath possest himselfe of his best house in Treley & certane other tenement belonging to the house Also he sayth that Arthur Barham of Clougher Brine gentleman Robert Brooks of Carriginyfeily gentleman Robert Lentall of Treley gentleman Tho: Arnold of the same gentleman John Cade of the same gentleman Griffin ffloyde of kilarney gentleman William Wilson of the same Dyer Donnell O Conner of kilarney maulster Robert Warrham of Treley gentleman John Godolphin of Treley shoomaker Hugh Roe of the same Barber Beniamin Weedin of the same Hosyer Honry knight Taylor Richard Hore of the Newmannor husbandman, & diuers others protestants to the number of fourty were all treacherously killd & murdred by O Sulliuane More of Dunkerrin aforesaid Esquire & his followers to the number of six or seuin hundred rebells, the deponent hauing the comand of the said protestants there being two more that escapt: & the deponent sau’d his life by Leaping <hand> off a rock into the sea being enforct to swime at Least a mile & so gott away hauing first receiued fourteene wounds with swords & Skeins & one shott in the right shoulder & one doope wound in the back with a pike, this was don about midsommer Last 1642, nere Ballynoskellicks in said com: He also sayth that Eleuen men & one woman of kerry were murdred about the 15th of Jan: Last coming out of the com: from the Castle of Ballycartin & which was then lately yeilded vp vpon quartor in which the yeare formerly they were murdred vpon the mountaines nere Newmarkott by the rebells belonging to Castle Ca p t: mc Awliffe mc Dowhalloe in the com of Corke the names of those that wore first stript & then murdred were these, as John Ellis of Ballyduffe in said com gentleman & his oldest son Andrew Morgan of the Currans butcher: Elizabeth Dashwood wife to William Dashwood of Trely shoomaker & diuers others as Hugh Williams of Ballimurriskall gentleman Tho: Godwin of the Currans taylor John Morris of Ballycarty seriant to the ward of Ballycartin all to the number of Eleuen He also sayth that about midsomer Last being employed by Sir Edw: Denny his Captain from Corke into the com of Kerry to giue notice to the Castle & seuerall wards which were in some distresse to preuent the yeilding vp of thier holds to the enemy vpon his Intelligence of the Lord fforbes his coming about towards those parts to releiue them: he was by the way tak’n prisoner about the black water in the middle of the mountaine called Sleiue Lougher by Teige mc Awliffe of Castle mc Awliffe gentleman, & Donough o Dawne mc Awliffe of the same gentleman & Cnogher Reagh <D> nere Liscarrell gentleman Owen O Callaghane nere Newmarket gentleman & their followers to the number of two or three hundred who then brought him to their Campe then at Adare in the com of Limerick where there were about six or 7000 d. then preparing to fight against the English among whome were Garrat Barry their Generall Patrick Purcell their Leiutenant Generall Charlls Henesy their Sariant Maior Generall Garratt Purcell Leuitenant Collonell the Lord Roch: Lord of {Castel Connell}
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Castle Connell Baron Loughina alias Theobald Purcell O Sullivane Beare: O Sulliuan More Dominick ffannin the Maior of Limerick, Edmund fitz Thomas Garrald of Clonli Captain then and there the deponent was detayned thereree & twenty dayes but afterwards was ransomed for one Captain James Browne Sir Valentine Browns brother tak’n at Newtowne but a little before./ he also sayth that while he was in restraynt among the Rebells he heard it generally spok’n among them that they the Rebbells fought for the kings Prerogatiue, & that we were the Rebbells & traytours, & that they were not prefered to any places of Honor nor made Judges of Assizes & that they had not the Liberty of their religion. he also sayth that the beseidgers of Traley burnt Sir Edward Dennyes Castle there with the greatest part of the towne to the number of one hundred at Least also one Richard Hoie of the Newmanner gentleman had his houses burnt to the number of fowr nere Traley by the beseigers at the tyme of the seidge & further he cannot depose./
Edw: Vauclier
Jurat coram nobis
21o Martij 1642
Phil: Bisse
Peirg Banastir
fol. 285v
Edward Vouckeleys Exam:
[ ]Hand Notebale things