Deposition of Robert Houey
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:16 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 15r
<I> Robert Houey of Dynne within the parish of Dynne and Countie of Cauan doe depose that I had in personale estate when this rebellione first began C onsisting of & about the 24 of October last 1641 in the same place was robed by the natuies of the kingdome li. s. d.
In Cowes ould and younge woorth____61 __10___0
In horses and mayres woorth____9__0__0
In Corne and haye____9__0__0
In houshould goods____9__10__0
In Indebts due to me____1__0__0
In mony____6__10__0
In all____96__10__0
<a> All these which goods ware taken from him aboute the 24th of October 1641 by the hands of Glasney Reily of the parish of Lowey and Countie of Cauan and Call Bradye and Patrick O Gowen and Edmond O Cassidaye, all of the parish of Lowey and Countie of Cauan who when they came, took my goods and said that they have the kings authoritie for it
Rob [mark] Hussies mark
Deposed 13th January 1641
Will: Hitchcock
William Aldrich
fol. 15v
Robt Houey Com
Jur 13 Jan. 1641
Cert fact
[Copy at MS 832,
fol. 131r