Deposition of Martina Killhare
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:38 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 29r
<I> Martine Killhare of Drumlane in the Countie of Cauan doe depose that my Brother Godferrye Killhare of Munlogh within the parish of Temple porte within the Baronie of Tullahae and Countie of Cauan, had in personale estate when this Rebellione first begane
li. s. d.
Cowes ould and younge woorth____64__0__0
Horses woorth______20__0__0
Corne and haye worth______10__0__0
Houshould goods______10__0__0
In all______ 104__0__0
All these goods ware taken from him forceably aboute the 24th of October 1641 by the hands of Gillernew mc Gawran, and <a> Manus mc Gawran, both of the parish of Templeport and Baronie of Tullaha and Countie of Cauan gent. Donnell Ogge mc Gawran of the same gent, Brian Ogge Mc Gawran of the same gent., Brian Ogge Mc Gawran of the same gent, and their followers. And further he cannot depose
Signum [mark] predicti Martini
Jur coram nobis 30o Jan: 1641
Roger Puttocke
Will: Hitchcock
fol. 29v
fol. 30r
fol. 30v
Martin Kilhane Com
Jur: 13o Jan: 1641