Examination of James Bowler
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826304r315] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:41 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 304r
Kinsale ffebr 14th 1653
Depositions taken Concerninge John Younge fitz James An Inhabitant of Kingsale Afforesaid in the yeare 1641
<1>James Bowler of Kinsale Cutler Aged about 40 yeares beinge Sworne and Examined Saith That hee Liued in Kinsale in the yeare 1641 & that hee knew the aboue Mentioned younge Liuinge in the Garrison att Kinsale and that their Came the same yeare one Captaine Sougane and kept a Campe in Bellgooly
<2> That att the same time the said John Younge fitz James had a house Neere a Woodside within sight of Bellgooly where in was hidd prouisions in Beefe Porke & Beere in Trunckes & other thinges which this deponent Conceiueth was for the use of the Enemy the Cause of his knowledge is the Next day after the aforesaid Captain Sougane was drawne of from Belgooly this deponent with other Soldiers was Commanded to goe forth the Garrison upon sume seruice and Cominge to the house of the afforesaid, Younge, did see & had Share of the afforesaid prouisions and afterward the sayd Younge had a sonne which owned one of the Trunckes to bee his, upon which hee was putt in prison as An Enemy, and after hee was Releaced this deponent heard him say that there was in that house aboue mentioned of his fathers 30 barrill of Beere and a Hogshead of Aquauita and that at the time of the [Princes] beinge in Kinsale the Afforesaid Younge did often wish this deponent to worke hard to make him sattisfaction of his Losses and farther Saith nott
James Bowler
Taken before us