Examination of Richard Browne
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826304v317] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:40 PM
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fol. 304v
Richard Browne of Kinsale Gent Aged about 26 yeares beinge sworne and Examined saith that hee Liuinge att Kinsale afforesaid in the yeare 41
That hee knewe the afforesaid younge and his sonne Liuinge as afforesaid in the yeare 41
That the said John Younge did Actually Contribute Assistance to the Eneimy
The Cause of his knowledge is that hee the said Younge sent his goods out of the Garrison of Kinsale As the Examinant { }
fol. 305r
And that there was a disCouery made in the Garrison of all such as sent there goods to the Eneimy of which this deponent drew a List but found none but were Guilty of that in that Garrison of Irish but 4 persons which List hee deliuered to the Gouernor and Justified itt to there face which they Could not denie and far
That the said John Younge and his sonne did send out goods and prouisions and goods to his house att Bellgooly where att that time one Captain Sougane of the Irish partie Lay with his Campe.
The Cause of this deponent knowledge is that hee saw the two Barrills of Beare there and druncke share thereof and further saith Nott
Rich: Browne
Taken before us
fol. 305v
John Younge
ffitz James