Deposition of Issabell Nayler
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:04 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 37r
January the third 1641
Issabell nayler of Caday in the parrish of Castell Tirrell and County of Cavan widdow an English prodestante aged tow and thirty yeares or theire abouts being duly sworne deposeth that she was robed and depossessed of halfe a pole of land called Caday which I held from Mr. Brokell taylor deceassed full stockt with English Cattell worth threescore pound the xx4th of October last the lease of my land forty pound as I was profered for it the terme of it was fourteene yeares in Corne and hay twenty pound in househould goods and apperill, thirty pounds in all to the vallewe of one hundred and ffity pounds taken by Phillip mc Hugh <a> mc Shane o Rely one of the knights of the shire and William braydy of Drumgone and Bryan mc Andrew neare the Church of Castell turrell and theire followers
Issabell [mark] Naylor
her marke
Depossed this 5th of Ja: 1641:
William Aldrich
Hen: Brereton
fol. 37v
[Copy at MS 832,
fol. 95v