Deposition of William Thomas
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:00 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 71r
William Thomas late of Dromastrahan in the County of Cavan yeoman duly sworne deposeth That about the Moneth of October Last past hee was forcibly robbed and dispoiled of his goods at Dromastrahan aforesaid to the value followeing vizt. of Cowes horses and sheepe to the value of threescore and tenn pounds ster of houshould goods fuell and other necessaryes about the said house to the value of twenty and fower pounds amounting in all to ffowerscore and fowerteene pounds ster by the meanes of the servants of Phillip mc Hugh mc Shane o Rely and many others whose n vizt Cormack <a> mc Duffe mc Phillip of Cornegall in the said County Owen mc Phillip of Cornegall aforesaid William o Hosa of Cullentragh in the said County Shane boy mc Phillip of Cullentragh aforesaid Owen mc Donnell of Cullentragh aforesaid, Katherine oge and Evelin Brady of Cullentragh aforesaid and many others whose names the deponent knoweth not to the nomber of fowerscore rebells or thereabouts Att which time the said rebells proffered to spare his this deponents goods if hee would goe to Masse but one Sunday & that hee should goe noe more but once to Masse which the Deponents refused and therevppon some of the said rebells sought for the Deponent to take away his Life, of which the Deponent had notice and was forced to fly with his wife <I> and children to Dublin for refuge where they were by other rebells stripped naked on the way towards Dublin aforesaid
Signum predicti [mark] William
Jur 9o Martij 1641
Roger Puttocke
Hen: Brereton
fol. 71v
Cavan hand
William Thomas Jur 9o Marcij 1641
[Copy at MS 832, fols 65r-65v]