Deposition of Dorothy Ward
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:28 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 81r
373Countie of Cauan parish of drumlane nere Belturbut Dorothy Ward in the absence of her husband John Ward of the parish of Drumlane & Countie of Cavan yeoman (now Garrison’d at Bellamount deposeth that her sayd husband John Ward hath lost in ffree land by occasion of the Rebellion two hundred pounds
Twentie milch Cowes fiftie pounds: fiue and twentie drie Cattell worth thirtie pounds; fiue horses worth seauenteene pounds
fiue hogges worth thirtie shillinges, his bees and garden seauen pounds his haggard of Corne and heay worth twentie two pounds
in readie monie sixt pounds houshould Goods thirtie pounds
Eleauen pound debte owing mee him by one Martin Baxter of the same Countie and parish of Kildallen; fiftie four shillings by one Musgraue Arinton of the same place, And the <a> parties Rebells that robbed him were Charles mc Gowran of Tolloghaghe in the County of Cavan gent Shane ô Rely of Cartecall in the same County yeoman: Shane Mulmore o Rely in the parrish of Drumlane & same County yeo gentleman & many others to the number of 40: And expelled him his wife & 2 children from there howse: And 8 myles further after their comeing from home and after that the Rebell Shane Phillip mc Hugh mc Shane ô Rely had promissed saffe conduct: Hee and his souldjers stripped them and their children of all their clothes & the ready money they had which came to x li. or thereabouts more & turned them away naked for Dublin & 700 or 800 more protestants in their company And after there comeing to Dublin the children being exposed to could and want dyed & the deponent & his wife have noe meanes Left
Dorothy [mark] Ward hir marke
Jurat Febr: 26to 1641 coram nobis
Joh Watson
William Aldrich
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fol. 59v