Examinations of John Bellew and Henry White
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=827032r034] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:38 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 32r
<Kinsale ffebruary 21th> Depositions taken Concerninge Dominick Roche of Kinsale in the yeare 1641
John Bellew of the Barrony of Coursey in the parish of RingeRone Aged about 37 yeares beinge sworne and Examined Saith
That hee knew the afforesaid Roch Liuinge as afforesaid in the yeare 41
<1)> That when Mr Nicho: Bellew was Constrained to Leaue his house and Remoue to the forte of Kinsale The said Roch Lefte the Garrison of Kinsale and went to Liue in the afforesaid Bellewes house
<10)> That hee had one sonne abroad in Actuall Armes with the Eneimy & that hee had Another sonne which was a ffryar and was also abroad with the Eneimy
<12)> That hee tooke into his Custody the goods of the afforesaid Nicho: Bellew Viz 340 sheepe 50 hed of Cattle & 15 Garrans promising him to Restore them againe which hee Neuer did only 180 sheepe and about sum 16: or 17 Cowes
That there was a great quantity of Corne in the house of the afforesaid Bellewes Viz Wheat English Barly and oates and Malte all which the afforesaid Roche did wholy detaine from the afforesaid Bellew without giuinge him either his Corne or Restitution satisfact ion for itt
The Cause of this deponents Knowledge is that hee Liuinge att the afforesaid house from whense hee Remoued to the forte of Kinsale and was Intrusted by his father to deliuer the said Cattle to the afforesaid Roche the which hee accordingely did and farther saith Not
John Bellew
Taken before
Hen: White beinge sworne and Examined Saith and Agreeeth with all the former depositions the Cause of this deponent knowledge is that hee was present at the deliuery of the Cattle and was then shepheard to the afforesaid Bellew and did obserue all the Rest of his Actions
Hen: [mark] White
(endorsement on
fol. 33v