Deposition of George Wright
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:38 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 92r
Geordge Wright Late of Belturbat in the Countie of Cavan baker beinge sworne vppon the holy Evangelists, saith that he was possessed of att the time of the Rysinge of the Rebellious Irish in the north of Ireland 23th day of 8ber Last ofli. s. d.
Leases of howses with orchards & gardens woorth_____50__00__00
In reddy money taken & gone from hhim_____18__09__00
In howshold goods, and other goods within the house_____20__00__00
In due debts_____10__00__00
In one mylch Cow 40 s. tow horses 4 li. and in weareing apparell 10 li in tot____16__00__00
of all which he was robbed & dispoiled the same in all amounting to In all taken from him & dispossessed of_____114 li.__09 s.__00 d.
By Phillip mc Hugh ô of Rely in the County of Cavan Mulmore ô Rely then high Shiriffe of the County of Cavan, & there confederates & followers the 1th day of 9ber followinge, and moreover the said, Geordge Wright being vppon iourney towards Dublin with his wife & 5 smale Children, they were all stripped of their clothes and provision att or nere vnto Yoghall vppon the 2d day of 9ber aforesaid, being there assalted with multituds of the confederats of the said ô Relys the said Rebells being armed with pikes, swords, pitchforkes and skeanes and the like
Georg Wryght
Deposed this 8th of Ja: 1641
William Aldrich
Hen: Brereton
fol. 92v
34 {Com Cavan}
Geordge Wright late of Belturbut his affidavit
Jan: 8 1641