Deposition of Donnell Thorpe
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:15 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 155r
Donnell Thorpe late of Tullagh in the parish & County of limerick husbandman of kallyvllighane in the barony of Connella and within the County of lymerick husbandman (an brittish Irish protestant) duely examined & sworne before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comission to vs and others directed (beareing date &c) concerneing the losses robberies and spoiles since this rebellion comitted vpon the brittish and protestants within the Province of Munster &c deposeth & saith That vpon the 25th day of December 1641 or therabouts he lost was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the seuerall values followeing vzt worth xlvj li. Of Cowes yeerlinges calues & one mare to the value of Two and Twenty pounds Of houshould stuff & weareing apparell to the value of foure pounds Of hay & corne in the haggard to the value of Twenty pounds The totall of his losses amounts to six and forty pounds The deponent being further examined deposeth That about the time aboue mencioned Donogh o Reyne and Dermod o Reyne of Killene in the said County husbandmen forceably carryed away this deponents cowes and the rest of this deponents said Cattle were then and there taken away by Edmond fitz Gerrald of Gortintubbrid alias fitz Gerra{ld} of Clenlis in the said County gentleman The deponent being further examined deposeth And That that the Cas{tle} of Pallis in the said County (where this deponent & diu{ers} other English and protestants fled for their refuge) was besiedged a longe time by Edmond fitz Gerrald of Go{rtin}tubrid alias fitz Gerrald of Clenlis in the said Count{y} gentleman & his forces comitting diuers acts of hostility { } the besiedged dureing the said siedge but especially do{ } the { }
fol. 155v
Of August last, Two of the warders of the said Castle namely William Greene & Thomas ffoord English protestants were then & there murthered by the said fitz Gerralds meanes his cause of knowledge is that he being one of the warders of the same he sawe the said murthered don & comitted by the said fitz Gerralds company and likewise he was present when the said fitz Gerrald entred the said Castle & hard him then say to Mrs Bettsword the wife of Richard Bettsworth deceased [ ] the ensueing woords or others like them in effecte God confound them (quoth he) that fight against his Maiesty & further he deposeth not
Donell [mark] Thorpes
Jurat coram nobis
20 Marty 1642
Phil: Bisse
Ric: Williamson
Donnell Thorpes deposition