Deposition of Patrick Bell
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:15 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 107r
Patrick Bell of Aghknock in the Countie of Cavan being dwelie sworne and examined, sayeth That since the begining of this Rebellion he has beine Robbed and Spoiled of four poundes ster per annum vltra repris out of a pole of land this deponent held from Sir ffrancis hamiltone knight and Barronett for ten yeares to come vnexpired, and fyve poundes ster per annum vltra repris out of a another pole of land which he held from the said Sir ffrancis for nyntenne yeares to come vnexpired Cowes oxen sheepe horse and mares Corne houshould stufte hay hay turffe debtes dwe by the pilladed people all to the value of one twoe hundreth pownds thri e score and thrie pownd e s ster, <present losse 200 li . & 9 li . per annum 29 { } >And <a> further this deponent sayeth That fferrall mc Kearnane of Corraneoy in the said Countie, Turlo mc Kearnane of the same Cahill mc Kearnane of the same, Hugh mc Maister of Eddirdaowen with two hundreth Rebelles vnder Comannd of Milmore mc Eddmond Rellie and Shane o Rellie two suppoesed Captanes of the Rebelles with seuerall other notoriouse Roages Rebelles and malicious persones did forceablie and felloniuslie take robb and detayne the foresaid Cattle and houshould stufte from this deponent And concerneing Rebellious wordes spoken by the Rebelles this deponent can say nothing be reasone he was Incamped castell in Sir ffrancis hamiltones Castle all the last winter, and vntill May last
And further this deponent sayeth That there was murdered and hanged in the nightyme, at Croghane and neare thereaboutes, Shane bradie Walter Moore drommer William Coozenes John Parker with seuerall other persones whom this deponent canno{t} remember, and that they were murdred and killed by the Rebellious soludiers that was vnder the Comand of Milmore mc Edmond Rellie and Shane mc Phillip Rellie suppoesed Captaines of the Rebelles Army
Patrick bell
Jurat 9o November 1642
Randall Adams Joh Watson
Will: Aldrich
<And the above named deponent further this deponent sayeth that Lucke Dillone Esquire Maryed his dawghter to one Shane Rellie one of the Rebelles Captanes since this rebellione began and the deponent hath seine him twyse amongst the Rebelles
Jur vt supra>
<your honor>
fol. 107v
fol. 108r
fol. 108v
Patrick Bell 9o Novembr
[ ] Cert fact
Patrick bell
[Copy at Ms 832, fols 93r-v]