Deposition of Henry Cooke

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:02 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-08-19
Identifier: 833118r091


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cavan
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Stripping, Words, Lost By Debts
Commissioners: John Sterne, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 118r


<Com Cavan ss > Henery Cooke late of Bealtirbirt in the county of Cavan Shooemaker the sole Cozen and next heire & administrator of Elizabeth Crosse alias Cooke the late wiffe [ ] heire & administratrix of Robert Crosse late of Butlersbridge in the county of Cavan yeoman deceassed who died without issue or any kindred in this kingedome of Ireland vizt the saide Henery Cooke beinge Sworne deposseth before vs saieth that vppon & about the xxixth daye of october Anno domini 1641 They the saide Robert Crosse and Elizabeth his wife weare lawefully possessed and interested of and in these goodes chattells cattell moneys leasses howseh= hould stuff and apparell followeinge vizt
fforty Cowes and one bull six heifers Three Mares & Two coultes vallued_____060 li. ster
one leasse for 14 yeres yett to come of a parcell of lande called Corna quill in the saide county of fferm a n o or by what name soever the said land is called worth vltra Repris fiftye shillinges sterling per annum and one other leasse for 10 yeeres yett to come of a pole of lande called cormaclare and certaine howses at Butlersbridge worth per annum vltra Reprizus 14 li. sterling per annum both leasses valued_____ 065 li. ster
And one other leasse of another parcell of land at Butlersbridge for aboue 30 yerres yet to come worth per annum vltra Reprizus 30 s. ster valued_____10 li.
Corne haye and garden profittes valued005 li ster
Money & debtes valued & comeinge to050 li. ster
Howsehould stuff linen wollen brasse pewter
and apparell vallued020 li. ster
And beinge soe possessed and interested of and in the saide goodes chattells cattell Moneys Debtes & leasses howsehould stuff and apparell vallued and comeinge to Two hundred & five poundes Sterlinge pounde ster
They the saide Robert Crosse and Elizabeth Crosse alias Cooke his wife about the aforesaide xxixth daye of october Anno domni 1641 weare most wrongefully & forcibly with force and armes Robbed spoylled pillaged and stripped of the same To his the said Henery Cooke his Remembrance & knowledge by These Rebells & trators to his maiestie followinge vizt
< a > Phillipp mc Hugh mc Shane o Relly of Ballinecarge in the county of Cavan Esquire
Edmond mc Mullmore o Relly of the parish of Killmore in the saide county Esquire
Mullmore mc Edmond o Relly of the same Esquire
Thomas Brady of lawa Minister in the county aforesaide
and diuers other Rebells unknowne &c And sai th that William More of Tillyvin was armed & in the company of the Rebells when they ransacked & robbed the towne of Belturbett & did the like that Phillip รด Rely did
which said Rebbells at the Robbery comitting saide as they did in diuers other places of the county of Cavan they had a comission from his Maiestie soe to doe
Henry Cooke
Jur xixo Augusti 1642
John Sterne
Will: Aldrich

fol. 118v

fol. 119r

fol. 119v

Henry Cooke Jur
[ ] 19o Augusti 1642
Intw Cert fact

Com Cavan a bill of
Robert Crosse and Elizabeth
his wife their goodes & chattell
debtes & Monys, And I
Symon Wesnam doe both
knowe and testefie that
their Estate was worth
above three hundred
poundes for I was one that
allwayes did drawe & writt
his Evidences and the
substance & content thereof
as most true
Symon Wesnam

[Copy at MS 832, fols 138r-138v]

Deponent Fullname: Henery Cooke
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Shoemaker
Deponent County of Residence: Cavan
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Elizabeth alias Cooke Crosse, Robert Crosse, Phillipp mc Hugh mc Shane o Relly, Edmond mc Mullmore o Relly, Mullmore mc Edmond o Relly, Thomas Brady, William More, Phillip
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel