Deposition of Nicholas ffox
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:59 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 173r
<C> Nicholas ffox late of Downerayle in the bar: of ffermoy & withinthe Com of Corke tayloure being likewise at the same time takn prisoner by Capt Bridges deposeth & sayth [ ] being duly sworne & examined before vs by vertue etc deposeth & sayth that the last night he came <from Kilmallock> to Sir Edw: ffz Harris his house at Cleonorfa and knew not of this designe before then he being an a pikeman in the Lord Roch his company: he sayth that they Cheife officers { } <to his owne knowledge> f forces that came vpon Downerayle are these vizt, the Lord of Castle Conell Leiut{enant} {Generall }
fol. 173v
<C> Pursell Seriant Maior generall Butler son the the Lord of Inkerrin Capt Maregh <Capt> Nicholas Bogget of Boggetstowne Capt Walter Walsh of the Abbey of Owney Capt Dauid Roch son & heire to the Lord Roch comaunding his fathers Company Capt Rory mc Shee Colonell O Suilliuan Morr of Kerry Capt Maurice Herbert Capt Edmund ffennell with diuers others to the number of 20 companyes he sayth that he saw 3 English protestants and an Irish protestant calld Donough Oge were hangd at Castletowne Roch about the beg [ ] inning of March last by the Comands of seriant Maior Henesy he sayth also that he serued <D> as a pikeman in the Lord Roches company at the taking of Kilfinny where the principall actours & comaunders that beseidged that Castle were these as Leiutenant Generall Pursell the Lord Viscount Roch, the Lord of Castle Conell Capt Edmund Condon Capt John Condon Capt John Roch second son to the Lord Roch Donough O Callaghane Esquire Capt Nicholas Barry John [ ] Oge Mc Gibbon neer Kilfinnery gentleman also he was present at the taking of the Castle of New Castle where those were present as beseidgers that were beseidged Kilfinney Also he sayth that on the 14th of ffebr last being Shroue tuesday he serued as a souldyer at the firing of Michelstowne <comaunded by Seriant Maior Richard Butler & others> where was an Army consisting of 6 or 7 hundred foot out of Butlers Country in the land of Tipperary and about 500 in the Com of Limrick comaunded by Nicholas Bogget & Mareg Bogget Walter Walsh; Maurice Herbert & others besids the horse to the number of four hundred most of which were comaunded by Comaunded by Capt ffennell & further he cannot depose
the marke of Nicholas [mark] ffox
Jurat coram nob: apud Castl: Downerayle
23o ffebr 1642
Phil: Bisse
Ric: Williamson
fol. 174r
fol. 174v
Exam takn from the Rebbells
takn prisoners vizt Dermod
Counagh, Richard Costala,
Nicholas ffox