Examination of James Coolisher
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=827055r062] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:37 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 55r
<Kinsale ffebruary 23th 1653> Depositions taken Conceringe Dermond Carthy of the parish of Kilmony in the Barrony of KiliCurry in the yeare 41
James Coolishee of the parish of Cnoghan[er] in the Barrony of Kinalea Aged about 40 years beinge Sworne and Examined saith that hee Liued in th{e} parish of Killmony afforesaid in the yeare 41 that hee knew the afforesaid Carty Liuinge as afforesaid the same yeare
<1)> That hee might haue Remoued into the English Quarters as diuers English of his Neighbours did
<2)> That hee Remoued ffurther into the Irish Quarters and Continued forth untill the yeare of Cessacion
<4)> That hee was in Actuall Armes with the Irish the same yeare
<9)> That hee kept his owne Castle with men and Armes in oposition to the English untill itt was taken by force by the English by meanes of a great Gunne
<10)> That hee had two Brothers in Actuall Armes with him whereof one was Kild in Armes by Englis{h}
<11)> That hee had English Liuinge neere him Viz Li{ } Coll Mustine Liuinge now in the same Barrony Mr Rich Haies now att Corke Mr William Dauntt now att tractonAhy in the Barrony Kinalea Robert Beckett and his Wife hee beinge stript and his Wife & both brought prisoners to the said Carthyes Castle hee sent the next day to Corke and shee Killd within halfe a Mile of the said Castle
<12)> That hee tooke into his Custody much of the goods of the said English by his owne Authority and disposd them to his owne use
The Cause of this deponent Knowledge is that hee Liuinge Neere the said Carthy the same yeare and forced away to Corke and there herd the full Relation by the afforesaid Robert Beckett (that was stript) of all the former Interogatarys and farther saith not
James Coolishey
ff: Wheeller
fol. 55v
fol. 56r
fol. 56v
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Dermond Carthy