Deposition of John Edgelie
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:59 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 146r
John Edgelie of Brewes in the Countie of Cavan being dwelie sworne and examyned sayeth That since the begining of this Rebellion he hes beine Robbed and spoyled deprived of fyve pounds ster: per annum vltra repris out of the lease of a pole of land he held of the ladie forbes dureing her owen lifte thirtie and nyne Cowes and oxen young and ould value thrie score and one pound ster: four horse & mares value ten pounds ster. four score sheepe value sixteine pounds ster; Corne in haggarde and in ground value twentie four pound; houshould stuff and cloathes value ten pounds ster Turffe and hay value fyve pound, debtes due be the britishe being Robbed people seavin poundes ster:, debtes due by the Rebelles thirtie shillinges, In all one hundreth <133 li.
10 s. present losse 5 li. per annum > thirtie and three pound ten shillings ster: besydes the fyve pounds ster: per annum for the lease, And further this deponent sayeth That Edmond Rellie of Cavatt Milmore Rellie his sone late Sherreffe two supposed captanes of the Rebelles, Shane Rellie of Lossatt, Teage o backaghan of Swran, Patrick o Dinenie of Dromcarricke, Shane mc Kearnane of the same, Hugh Bradie of wotraghe one of the suppoesed Captanes to the Rebelles, with seuerall other notorious Roages Rebelles and malitious persons did forceable and felloniouslie take robb and detayne the foresaid Cattle sheep horses mares Corne and houshould stuffe from this deponent, And that he crediblie heard that the rebelles did traiterouslie murder and cast over the bridge of Balturbirt and murder thrie and thirtie men women and children of the English, this deponent himselfe being then in kealagh with Sir ffrainces hamiltone beligoired with the Rebelles
John [mark] Edgelie
his marke
Jur 9o 9bris
Joh Watson
Will: Aldrich
Randall Adams
fol. 146v
fol. 147r
fol. 147v
John Edglie Jur 9o Nov: 1642
Cert fact
John Edgelie
[Copy at MS 832,
fol. 95v