Deposition of Symon Ghrame
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:12 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 151r
Symon Ghranne of Clanrae in the Countie of Cavan being dwelie sworne and examyned sayeth That since the begining of this Rebellion he hath beine Robbed & spoiled of eighteine Cowes and oxen young and ould value thirty six poundes ster: two horses value eight poundes ster, thirtie sheepe value six poundes ster: Corne value ten poundes ster hay and turfe value thrie poundes ster: houshould stuffe value fyve eight poundes ster: debt due to this deponent by david Barbor a pilladged man ten poundes ster: and fortie shilling{s} ster: by ffrances granne a man that was pilladged In all <a > four score and thrie poundes ster: And that Shane o haltane of Aghwecashlane in the said Countie Patricke o haltane of the same, Brian mc Clerie of Benwilte Brian Rellie of derrinecashe, Shane o Davan of Dromgowne, Edmond Rellie killclaghie, Shane Rellie of the same, James o Gowne Robert Buxtone Phillip o Gowne of the Parish of Lawie Rorie oig mc Rorie mc Mahowne of the Countie of Monaghane James Beatagh of killknawe Brian o Gowne of killeiter, Maa mc Callane of Ralaghane Patrick mc Gorrie of the same, with seuerall other notorious Roages Rebelles and malitious persones did at Clanrae aforesaid forceablie and felloniouslie with swordes skeanes pickes and other offencive weapones take and detayne the Cattle goodes and houshould stuffe aforesaid, And further this deponent sayeth That he heard the abouenamed James <b> Beataghe say, that Ireland would never be vnder the English Government as it was, but that they would have an Irishman to be Cheefe Governor in this kingDome, < A [ ] > And further this deponent sayeth That he Crediblie hearde That one fferrall Rellie of Lawe in the said Countie of Cavan, Connor Rellie of kilcollie Conor Roage mc clerie of Maghrinewre donell mc clerie of kilcolloe, Mahowne duffe mc clerie Patrick mc enerny Patrick o duffie with seuerall others Traiterous villans did murder & kill in the night tyme, Adam Bailie of Lawe John baile of the same John Waiker of the same Robert Cuthbertsone of lisnalske John Mitchell of Corwhewrin
fol. 151v
Corwhewrin being fowre score yeares and vpwardes and his wiffe neare the same age, Patrick Jacksone of the same John Bailie of Downeine and James bailie of kilcollie with seuerall other British Inhabitantes within the barronie of Clanghie and would haue Murdered all the Britishe within that barronie, but that the most parrt of them fledd for there lyves, and that the Rebelles vnChristian lyke would not suffer them to be buryed in Church or Churchyarde becowse as they said they were not Christians nor worthie to be buried amongst Christians
Simon Greames
12 9d: 1642
Will Aldrich
Joh Watson
fol. 152r
fol. 152v
Simon Ghrame Jur
12o Nov: 1642
Hand Cert fact
simon grame
[Copy at MS 832, fols 106r-106v]