Deposition of John Cottrell
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:02 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 202r
John Cottrell late of the Towne & Newcastle in the parish of Newecastle Barronye of Connelloe & within the Countie of Limerick clerk a brittish protestant duly sworne & examined b e fore vs by vertue of &c deposeth & saith; That on or about the eight day of July last past, he lost was robbed and forcably dispoyled of his goods of his goods & Chattles to the seuerall values following vizt worth 38 li. besides his church meanes worth 6 li. per annumOf a house burnt by the rebells wherin the deponent hath a lease of nyne yeeres to come woorth 40 s. per annum aboue the landlords rent wherin he is damnified six pounds twelue pounds P art consisting of debts amounting to the summe of thirteene pounds tenn shill foure pence which ere this rebellion were accounted good debts but now becom desperate by resone some of the debtors be impouerished protestants vizt John Lillis clerke James Barly & some others that nowe in open & actuall rebellion namely Dennis รด Bryen of Ballinebarny in the said County Esquire & others whose names this deponent remember soe as he canot gett satisfaction from them
Of houshould goods to the value of tenn pounds OfThe totall of his losses amount to six & twenty pounds thirty eight pounds ten shillinges & foure pence besides the losse of the benefitt of the Curat shipp of Killeedy in the said County woorth to this deponent yeerly six pounds per annum The deponent saith that vpon Easter Munday last at night being the 11th of April last, the said Towne of Newcastle was burnt by the rebells wherevpon nexte day followeing being the 12th of Aprill Capteine John Sowthwell of Rathkeale in the said County Esquire Comandinge fortie horse & a hundred foote pursued the said rebells a mile from the Towne to a place calld the Grange where the rebells namely Edmond mc Shihy of Ballyellelane in the said County gentleman & others mainteined a forte the said Sowthwell discharging at the same one of the rebells layeing in ambush shot at him & killed him & further he deposeth not
John Cottrell
Jurat coram nobis
9o 9 bris
Phil: Bisse
Richard ffrench
fol. 202v
John Cottrells examination