Deposition of Robert Murdogh
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fol. 174r
Robert Murdogh of Correnerie in the Countie of Cavan ye{oman} being dwelie sworne and examyned sayeth That since the begining of this Rebellion he hes beine Robbed and spoiled of twentie shillinges ster: per annum vptra repr out of a house tenement and a percell of ground he helde of Johne Stevinson of Correnerie for thrie yeares to come vnexpired, four and twentie Cowes and oxen young and ould value fortie poundes ster thrie horse and Mares value eight pounds ster, twentie sheepe value four poundes ster, houshould stuffe and cloathes value ten poundes ster: turffe and hay value fyve poundes ster: debt dwe to this deponent by David Barbor a pilladged man twentie shillings ster debtes dwe to him by the Rebells fortie shillings ster. <70 li.> In all amounting to thrie score and ten poundes ster. besides the twenty shillinges ster per annum and dwe out of the lease, And further this deponent sayeth That, Hugh Rellie of <a> kilveghane a suppoesed Captane to the Rebelles Connor mc Conyne of Kilclaghane, Turlo Rellie of Lisdonane Shane Rellie of Kilcloghane, Shane o Rellie of Correnerie Thomas mc Goven of Knockbryde, donell Rellie of Lisdonane, Shane mc Conyne of kilcloghan Catreine Rellie of Correnerie, Patrik oige mc Crossane Late of Annifernie Shane mc Goven of knockbryde Phelyme Baccaghe o Rellie of Correnerie James linshie of Sioran, Phillip Rellie of Correnerie Robert Bradie of Skirri gg with severall other notorious Roages Rebelles and malitiouse persones did forceablie and felloniouslie take Robb and detayne the foresaid Cattle sheip horse Mares and houshould stuffe from this deponent, and that Owen mc Donell Rellie of Dowreaghe one of the suppoesed Rebellious Captanes threattened to hange this deponent for that he would not confesse to give him money which he had not, and the said Owen mc Donell did take this deponents brother James Murdogh and hanged him vpp, to make him confesse money, and till he was almost deade but that fferrall Rellie cutt him downe before he was altogether deade and afterward caused him to give them seavin teine
fol. 174v
seavinteine shillinges ster for otherwise they threatened to hang him vpp againe, and that he hearde one Donell Rellie of lisdonane say that the king of England should never be king of Ireland anie more And this deponent hath heard many of the Rebells say God stand with the Queene & let the King goe downe: f for he should never be King of Ireland more which was a Common speech amongst them Rebells: And further sayth That this deponent <b> (vpon discourse betwixt him & one Donnell Rely of Lisdonane) saying That his Maiesty was King of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland) The said Donnell รด Rely answ{ered} sayd he should never be king thereof any more: And the said donnell and the rest alsoe of the Rebells there sayd they would Kill and distroy all English and Scottish in Ireland: & roote them out soe as within two yeres there should bee none of the English or Scottish seed there left or to that effect and further saith that this deponent with others being at divine service performed by Mr George Hamilton, the Rebells said they were at the divils service, and it were a good deed to burne the house over their heads so that the said Mr George Hamilton dared not to come after into the Country being the threatned with death
Signum [mark] predicti Roberti Mardoghe
Jur 12o Nov:
Will: Aldrich
Joh Watson:
[Copy at MS 832, fols 111v-112r]