Examination Robert Webb
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=827088r104] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:37 PM
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fol. 88r
<kinsaill february 24th 1653> Depositions taken Concering Chahier Mother off Drominine in the Barrony Duhally County of losk In the year 1641
Robert Webb off tomblemihill in the Barony of Kenely Aged 30 years Being sworn and Examined saith Thatt he Liued in the Town off mallow in the year 1641
<1)> That hee mightt haue Remoued into the English qarters as all the Rest off the Inglish off his neighbo{urs} did
<1)> Thatt hee Continued in the Enemeys qarters duringe the time off Warr
<3)> Thatt he Did Actually Contributt Asistance to the Enemy By Bearing Armes and Raissing men Against the Inglish in the year 41
<4)> Thatt hee Robtt and Plundred the Wholl Towne off mallow
<9)> Thatt hee had the Command off A Company of Ierish in 4{ }
<10> Thatt hee had Tow ssons In Actuall Armes the same y{ear} viz Donoh o Callahan and Teig Roe o Kallahan
<11)> Thatt hee knew off the Inglish then Liwing in mallow Adam numan now att Pole [L]ong neer Bandon Tho wright now Liuing att mallow william Bigle Liuing ther steeuin ginery now Liuing in Cork and many more
The Causse of his Knowledg is Thatt Hee was A soldier in mallow and saw him march in Arms beffor his Com{pany} and thatt hee Was in the Castle When hee Plonderd the towone and thatt when Castle hauen took the shortt Castle his son Donoh o Callahn had A Company their att thatt time
Robert Webb [mark] his mark
Taken before
ff: Wheeller