Deposition of John Watsone
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:13 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 202r
John Watsone of Polebrallogh in the Countie of Cavan being dwelie sworne and examyned sayeth, That since the begining of this Rebellion he hes beine Robbed and spoiled of thrie poundes ster: per annum vltra repr of a lease of thrie Pottles of land he held from livetenant John Campbell for thirteine yeares to come vnexpyred, twelue Cowes and oxen value twentie four poundes ster: seavin horse and Mares value sixteine poundes ster: Corne in haggarde value ten pounds ster: houshould stuff and cloathes value six poundes ster: hay and turffe value six poundes ster: debtes dwe by the Rebelles thrie pounds ster: debtes dwe to him by Pilladged people thrie pound sterlinge, twentie fyve shillinges ready money taken forceablie from this deponents wyffe by Phillip mc Gaghran a Rebell, In all thrie score and nyne pound fyve shilings ster: besydes the thrie pounds per annum out of the said lease And further this deponent sayeth That James Bwy <a> Bradie of Stradone, Edmond o Gowne of shankill Donell mc Hugh bradie of Shankill with seuerall other notorious Roages Rebelles and n otor Malitious persones did at Polebreallagh aforesaid forceablie and felloniouslie with swordes skeanes pickes and other offensive weapons take and detayne the Cattle goodes and houshould stuffe aforesaid, And further this deponent sayeth that one Donell Bradie a sergant of the Cavan went to the Crosse of Cavan and did proclaime a Markatt to be kept there the next twesday after, and when he had done the proclamation, said God keepe king o Rellie And sayeth he Crediblie heard that the Rebelles did Malitiouslie and Traiterouslie Cast over the bridge of Balturbertt and drowne thrie and thirtie of men weemen and Children of Britishe protestantes into the River of Balturbert, And further he sayeth that the said James bwy bradie and Edd o Gowne did beate and stryke this deponentes wyffe, and afterwards would haue taken away her lyffe but that shee fledd and gott <b> away with her liffe And this deponent further saith that Luke Dillon of Trinity Island was in company with the Rebells & that [ ] the said Luke Dillon cam{e} to Sir Francis Hamiltons Castle in the said County as a messenger (as he himself
fol. 202v
alleaged) from Phillip mc Mulmore and Edmund Mc Mulmore oRely desireing him that the hee the said s ir Francis would take Qua{r}ter from the said Relys and not molest the O Relyes or Rebells there with condcion proffered on the said Luke Dillons part on behalf of the Rebells that the Rebells should not molest the said sir Francis nor any of his tenants with promise that those in the Castle of his the said s ir Francis his Tenants should have restauration of all theyr goods in case they would returne to theyr houses which when the besieged refused to doe the said Rebells deteyned all they had taken.
Johen Watson
Jurat Novemb. 11. 1642
Joh Watson
Will Aldrich
fol. 203r
fol. 203v
{Com. Cavan [ ]}
John Watson deposed
Novemb 12. 1642.
Intw Cert fact
John watsone
[Copy at MS 832,
fol. 111v