Deposition of Marmaduke Batemanson
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 215r
Marmaduke Batemanson of Balliheys in the County of Cavan gent sworne and examined sayth That since the begining of the present Rebellion That is to say on or about the 24th day of October 1641: He this deponent at Balliheys aforesaid was deprived, robbed or otherwise dispojled of his meanes goodes & chattells vizt of Cowes hoggs bread beare provition howsholdgoods garden proffits, a sword apparrell the benefite of his leas and due debts amounteing in all to fowrscore and tenn Powndes ster: By and by the meanes of theis Rebells vizt Philip oge o Rely of in the Parrish of Kilwatter & County aforesaid Esquire a Captain of Rebells Hugh Roe ô Rely of the same parish another Captain of Rebells, and by Rose ny Neile the wiffe of Phillip mc Hugh mc Shane o Rely of Ballinecarge a Colonell of Rebells: which said Rose (out of divellish and base spite & mallice to the English & Scottish endeavoured much to have them all putt them all to death: & would haue effected it had not her husband denyed to suffer it he Saying the day will come when thou [w ] maist be behoulding to the poorest amongst them. ffurther saying vnto her That she might putt all the English & Scotts there to death if she would: But if she did, hee would forsake, & never come nere her: yet not withstanding that bloudy viragoe harbouring the envy & traiterous mynd of her ancestors and kinred) was the pr{i}ncipall cawser & instigator of the drowneing of fifty P{r}otestants, men, women, and Children: all at one tyme at the br{i}dge of Belturbett: And shee & the Rebells beforenamed & Turlogh mc Cahir o Rely of Ballnecarge aforesaid her steward (ano{th}er notable Rebellious villaine) with Cahir <b> oge ô Rely of Ballinecarge aforesaid Hugh mc Patrick Brady Cormuck Brady his bro{th}er ofin the Parrish of Balliheys aforesaid ge{n}t Cormuck Duffe Bradie of the Parrish of Balliheys aforesaid {g}ent. Donnell mc Hugh Rely of the Parrish of kilwut{t}er & James ô Rely of the same gentleman & their Confederats s{o}uldjers & Rebellious partakers: Did robb stripp and deprive a{l}l the English and Scottish Protestants thereabouts
fol. 215v
(that they possibly could) of all their goodes & meanes Neither spareing sex nor age: And this deponent is verely perswaded that if they had not beene restrained by the said Phillip mc Hugh mc Shane o Rely the Colonell neither this deponent [nor any of ] & the rest of the protestants (that escaped) had beene murthered. And further saith That the said Rose (in further expression of her hatred) vnto the English and Irish S cots) sayd, That she was never well that day that she saw any of either of those nations: And when as she & her partakers by Robbery & force had possessed her self & themselues of some of this deponents bedding & goods & that she was desired by this deponent to lend him this deponent a bedd to lye on: vntill he should goe from thence: shee vtterly & scornfully denied it: Saying he must learne to lye on straw: as he was sure to doe
Marmaduk Batmanson
Jur xiijo Aprilis
John Sterne Randall Adams:
fol. 216r
fol. 216v
Cavan hand w
Marmaduke Batemanson
April the 13th 1643
Intw Ex
[Copy at MS 832, fols 127r-127v]