Deposition of John Oddell and James Hakeworth
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:51 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 271r
Joane Betesworth of Pallice in the Countie of limericke wife to Richard Beteswor{th} Esquire in the behalfe of her sonne John Oddell gentleman deposeth (a brittish protestant) du{ely} sworne and examined before vs by vertue of &c deposed and saieth that since {the} begininge of this present rebellion in Ireland that hee lost and was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chatles to the seuerall values following <1190 li.> vizt worth 1190 li. Part consisting of debts owing vnto him byOf a house of P alli ce in the Baronye of Connallagh and Countie of Limericke hel { d } from George Curtney Esquire wherein he had a tearme of thirtie fower yeares to come woorth coibus annis fiftie pounds over and aboue the Landlords rent which he valueth to bee woorth fower hundred and fiftie pounds sterlinge Shee further saie{th} (by meanes of this rebellion) hee was dispossessed of a farme called Lishinshi{ } held from George Curtney Esquire worth woorth coibus annis thirtie pounds p{er annum} over a n d aboue the Landlords rent wherein hee had a time of one and thirtie yeares {to} come which hee valueth to bee woorth two hundred and ffortie pounds sterlinge S{he} further saieth that Richard Jordane, Walter Trauers, Michaell Owsely and R{ichard} Blackwell gentleman togeather with others disabled protestants by meanes of this pres{ent} Rebbellion as also Owen รด Shihie, John Gibbs, Allice Arundell widdoe with oth{ers} now in actuall rebellion are indebted vnto the said John Owselye Oddell in the sum{me of} <A> fiue hundred pounds ster All which the deponent conceaues to bee lost by meanes{s of} this Rebellion The totall of his losses amounts to one thousand one hundred and nynetie pounds sterlinge The deponent alsoe saieth that Edmond fitz Ger{ald} of the Cleanlisse togeather with his tennants and followers dispossessed he{ } nowe in actuall Rebellion dispossessed her of the Castle and lands of Pa{llice} aforesaide The deponent lastly saieth and deposeth in the behalfe of {her} Sonne James Hakeworth That hee was Robbed and forcably dispoiled {by} meanes of this Rebellion of one lease of a ploghland called Lishineskey {in the} Countie of Limericke held from George Curtnye Esquire wherein hee had ny{ne and} thirtie yeares to come; aboue the Landlords rent worth coibus annis twent{ie and} six pounds sterlinge which shee valueth to bee worth two hundred and sixtie {pounds} ster The totall of his losses is two hundred and sixtie pounds ster The totall of bothe their losses amounts to one thousand fower hundered and fiftie pounds sterlinge Jane Bettesworth hath deposed before vs
of the truth of this particular, or
exacon the last Maii 1642
Tho: Bettesworth
Ric: Williamson
fol. 271v
The Examination of
Joane Beteswoorth
in the behalfe of John Oddell and James Hakesworth gentlemen