Deposition of William and Thomas Cole
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:45 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 226r
William Cole of Cauan in the the town e & Countie of Cauan Miller, and Thomas Cole his sonn being duely sworne and examined vpon the holly evangelists before vs the Comissioners appointed for Takeing Examinacions of the losses of the Distressed Protestants in Ireland Deposeth & saith that on the fiue and tweentieth day of October 1641 They were stript, Robbed, and deprived of all their goods & chattles <a> by Phillip mcMulmore รด Reley and his bloody followers Who expulsed & drove away these Deponents from Cauan aforesaid, and tooke away & possessed themselues of ther seuerall goods & particulers here vnder mencioned, as followeth (vizt)
li. s. d.Inprimis fortie fiue of Cowes, on e with an [oth es ] worth -------------------------------------------------------------- 90__00__00
40 s. a peeceIt tenn yearling Calues worth 20 s. a peece -------------------------- 10__00__00It foure horses worth fiue pownds a peece --------------------------- 20__00__00It 4 Mares worth 3 li. a peece ------------------------------------------ 12__00__00It 4 Colts of 3 years old worth 40 s. a peece ------------------------ 08__00__00It 8 head of Swyne worth 10 s. a peece ------------------------------ 04__00__00It in howsehould stuffe, pewter brasse and other
goods to the value of ---------------------------------------------------- 20__00__00
Item inn ready money ------------------------------------------------ 20__00__00
In all -----------------184 li__00__00
<184 li.-00-00>
And theis deponents further say: That after they were soe robbed and deprived <b> of their goodes aforesaid. The Rebell Robert mc Walter Bradie of the Cavan gent pretending tytle to certeine mylnes which theis deponents attended at Cavan aforesaid & which they had in leas from Doctor Allan Cooke: he therevpon entered forceibly into the said mylnes & expulced them theis deponents: & yet presently said hee would keepe them as his pillidge & they shold keepe the said mylne as they did, by force and yet as men restrained of Libertie: for nere a yere a half together vntill the lords Mores Army rel by gods great Mercie, rele Released them: But say that when the Rebells att Cavan aforesaid heard that the lord Mores Army was comeing they provided
<Jur mr St mr Br 6 Julij>
fol. 226v
provided ropes & went a long with the deponents & others to hang them but the English troope suddenly approaching the Rebells run all away Soe as theis deponents escaped away as in deed did fforty or threescore more Protestants that were then about ordered to be hanged, though the Rebells then said That never an English Rogue of them all should goe to Dublin to tell what was there done. And further say That when the 500 souldjers were defeated in the way towards Treda{rth} the Rebells most blasphemously, & in high & arrogant words at Cavan aforesaid sayd & published theis words vizt: yow English protestants where is now your God Now you may see your Religion is naught for your God hath forsaken you or to that effect: And theis Deponents further say that the Rebellious women in those parts were as feirse and cruell as the men, and their children as feirce and cruell as either as farr as they could:
<mr St: mr B>
Signa [mark] predictorum
Willjam et [mark] Tho: Cole
Jur 6o Junij 1643
Hen: Brereton
John Sterne.
Cavan hand w
William and Tho Cole
Jur 6o Junij 1643
Cert 4 d.
[Copy at MS 832,
fol. 87r