Deposition of Jenett Kearnes, Brian Sherin and William Beatagh

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:57 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1644-02-13
Identifier: 833254r176


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cavan
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, Henry Jones
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 254r

Jenett Kearnes of Kilcolly, alias Balyborough in the Countie of Cavan spinster sw o rn e and examined sayth Brian Sherin of Tonnaghmore in the same County servant to Sergeant Maior Baily sworne and William Beatagh of Balyborough aforesaid another of his servants sworne & examined depose and say That about or before Christmas 1641 when <a> the Rebellion was begun: The wiffe of Hugh Rely of Charcock in the County of Cavan Came in hostile manner attended with some Rebells to the howse of William Bayly late of Balybrough aforesaid Esquire since deceased and then and there preemptorily demanded & comanded to be deliuered vnto her all the howsholdgoods & other thinges which the Reb other Rebells had not taken away formerly and which were then remaneing in the howse of the said William Bayly: All which remayneing goodes were then deliuered vnto her accordingly they being of greate value, And shee & her partakers tooke them away & deprived the said Mr William Bayly thereof none dareing for feare of death to s resist them: And further saith that one <A> John Bayly Adam his brother James Bayly Robert Cu thbertson John Nichell John Bayly the yonger Patrick Jackson John Walker were about february 1641 murthered by the Rebells at the Laire in the County of Cavan vizt by the souldjers Comanded by Shane ô Rely of L late of Raloghan in the same County their Captaine, and by Connor Cleary of the parrish of Kilcon in the County <b> of Cavan: Maghan Duffe of Cleary aforesaid labourer: Neile mc Cleary his bro sonn & Phillip mc Cleary another of his sonns & Patrick ffean mc Inany, Connor Reley of the same parish gent Owin Rely of the same laborer Connor o Rely of the same parrish gent Col Bane mc Clery of the same parish Labourer ffarrell ô Rely of the [ ] Laire aforeaid and his 2 sonns Brian Camm <A> mc Clery of the same parish [ ] and Teige his brother, And the deponent Jenett Kearnes saith That she was robbed and deprived about febr aforesaid of her apparell by the said Hugh ô Relyes wiffe And the deponent William Beatgh saith that he was deprived & robbd about the tyme aforesaid of 2 Cowes tenn sheepe 7 swyne & a Coate by the Romlan Rebells {William} mc donnell & by Donnell Bane of ffrealty in the same County labor Carpenter: And theis deponents further say that the parties that Comitted the Robberyes aforesaid were principally imployed & Comanded by the said Hughe ô Rely but more imediatly & frequently Comanded and imployed by his the said Hugh ô Relyes wiffe And this deponent William Beatagh further sajth That the Rebell Henry mc Cabe of the towne of Cavan forceibly entering into the Church of Annagelliffe

fol. 254v

in or about febr aforesaid did then and there by force and armes breake open with stones a Chest and bound with 4 iron Barrs and tooke away out of the same a gowne surplesse a table cloth pub pulpitt cloth & the bookes belonging to the same Church: And the said deponent Brian Sherin saith That he about ffebr aforesaid was robbed of his horse by Shane mc Maghan ofin the County of Monaghan a Rebell
<Jur xiijo febr 1643 Dr J: Mr B>
Signum predicte [mark] Jenette Kearnes
Breian Sherin
William beatagh
Jur 13o ffebr 1643 coram
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton

{Jenett Kearnes xiijth of}
{Brian Sherin William Beatagh}
febr 1643
hand Exw


Deponent Fullname: Jenett Kearnes, Brian Sherin, William Beatagh
Deponent Gender: Female, Male, Male
Deponent Occupation: Spinster, Servant, Servant
Deponent County of Residence: Cavan,
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: William Baily, John Bayly, Adam Bayly, James Bayly, Robert Cuthbertson, John Nichell, John Bayly, Patrick Jackson, John Walker, Shane , Connor Cleary, Maghan Duffe, Neile mc Cleary, Phillip mc Cleary, Patrick ffean mc Inany, Connor Reley, Owin Rely, Connor o Rely, Bane mc Clery, ffarrell , Brian Camm mc Clery, Teige mc Clery, Hugh , William mc donnell, Donnell Bane, Henry mc Cabe, Shane mc Maghan
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel