Deposition of Peeter Mainsell

Collection: Bysse Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:28 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1643-02-07
Identifier: 829302r196


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Clare & Limerick
Deposition Type: Bysse
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Death, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Stripping, Words
Commissioners: Henry Rugg, Philip Bisse
Deposition Transcription:

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Peeter Mainsell late of Courte Browne in the parish of Athskeaten, Barony of Connelloe and within <in> the County lymericke gentleman (a brittish protestant) duely sworne and examined before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comission (beareing date at Dublin the 5th day of March 1641) concerneing the robberyes and spoiles since this rebellion comitted vpon the Brittish and protestants in the Province of Munster &c deposeth and saith That vpon the 25th day of December 1641 & since the deponent lost was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the seuerall values follow<symbol>ing vzt worth 4969 li.
Of Cowes oxen heiffers mares horses and sheepe to the v a lue of Two Thousand Two hundred three score and nyne pounds Of houshould stuffe to the value of forty pounds Of Corne in stacke hay and fuell for fireing to the value of one hundred and three score pounds Of Corne in Ground the last harvest to the value of three score pounds The deponent further saith that by meanes of this presente rebellion in Ireland he was dispossessed and lost the profitt of seuerall farmes in the said kingdom{e}

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namely the Towne and lands of Court Browne in the said County wherin he hath a lease of one and thirtie yeeres to come, woorth to this deponent yeerly aboue the land lords rent one hundred pounds, per annum, which lease this deponent conceaues to be woorth to be bought & sould before this rebellion one Thousand pounds Alsoe he was dispossessed of the lands of Ballystevens in the said County wherin he hath a lease of one and Twenty yeeres to come woorth Coibus annis aboue the land lords rent forty pounds per annum in which lease he conceaues himselfe damnified three hundred pounds Of the Towne & l ands of Mornane in the said County (his lease therin being fouret ene yeeres yeet vnexpired) & woorth to this depon e nt vltra reprisas forty pounds per annum, his ent e rest in the said lease before this rebellion was woorth one hundred & fiftie pounds Of the lands of Ilands in the said County of Clare for Two liues woorth yerly to this deponent three score and ten pounds per annum aboue the landlords rent wherin he is dam

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damnified fiue hundred pounds He likewise was dispossessed of the Towne & lands of Ring in the County of Corke, wherin he hath a lease of fiue and Twenty yeeres to come or therabouts his enterest in this lease before this rebellion was woorth to be bought & sould fiue hundred pounds The totall of his losses amounts to foure Thousand nyne hundred three score and nyne pounds.
The deponent further saith, That aboute the 25th of June 1641 he this deponent sent three hundred of his sheepe to grase vpon the lands of <A> Garrald fitz Gerrald of Ballygloghane in the said County of Lymericke gentleman whoe presentely vpon the 22th of October followeing and from thence forward seized vpon this deponents said sheepe & sould parte of them to the Citizens of lymericke and the rest he converted to his owne vse, and the said Gerrald comeing to visit this deponnet (as he then pretended) the deponent (being in restrainte with the rebells in the said Cittie) this examinant

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demanding then satisfaction for the same sheepe the said Gerrald answered there is noe talking of it (quoth he) it is nowe ouer shooes & ouer bootes
Aboute the first of May 1642 Thomas Dondon of Ballyasteene in the said County gentleman in <B> a rebellious maner and with force and armes kepte from this examinant foure hundred ewes price one hundred and forty pounds He further deposeth and saith And that Thomas og fitz Gerrald of Mornane aforesaid gentleman vpon the first of January 1641 or theraboutes with like force & armes tooke away from this deponent foure hundred sheepe likewise morris Lee of Ardgonly in the said County gentleman aboute the first of Jan aforesaid accompanyed with eight musket{s} came to Courte Browne aforesaid then an{d} there expelled this examinant out of th{e} possession of the same and in a rebellious maner possessed himselfe of this deponents h{ouse} corne hay and other goods The deponent further saith And that Mohowne mc Mohowne alias Moyle

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damnified fiue hundred pounds He likewise was dispossessed of the Towne and lands of Ring in the County of Corke Other thinges) he obserued these particulars followeing namely that <f> being brought before Dominick ffaning late Maior of the said Cittie he then sawe the lord Roch and seuerall other gentlemen of the County at the said ffanninges table cheerfully drinking kinge Charles his health with confusion to his enemyes and then and there he heard the said ffaning say that what they did was for & in the behalfe of his Maiestie adding further that the English and protestants were rebells & they themselues the true subiects
Aboute the first of August last this deponent <G> conferring with the said ffaning in the said Gaole, he heard him then speake these woords or others to the same effecte, that the Scots (saith he) haue mightily abvsed his Maiestie, & that they in this kingdome would see him righted adding further that as they meaneing the Scots tooke vpp armes for the mantenance of their relligion or rather the

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profanation (quoth he) soe we haue don for the maintenance of oures being the true relligion
The deponent further deposeth and saith That aboute the sixteenth of Aprill last Oliuer Ste<H>venson of Dunmoyline in the said County of lymericke Esquire (since killed in open rebellion) Mohowene Moyle mc Mohowne aforesaid, and the said Therlagh mc Mohowne his son with collors flyeing in a hostill maner came to and besiedged the Castle or house of Aghanish in the said County belonging to Capteine George Courtny and kepte siedge to the same soe long that at lenght the Constable of the said Castle Lawrence Meade and the rest of the English in the said house were fained to deliuer the same vpon quarter for their liues & nought else. lastly this examinant saith that dureing his comittall in the said Cittie three score persons men and women English and protestants were taken prisoners & then stripped but afterwards comitted to Gaole & there stripped naked by the Irish prisoners that were there comitted by reason wherof diuers of them dyed, & some other protestants then and there to the number of three or foure were throwen by some of the rebells of the said cittie

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(whose names this deponent knoweth not) ouer the bridge into the riuer of lymericke aforesaid, where some of them creepeing and swimeing to the shore to saue their liues their braines were dashed out with stones & further he deposeth not
Peter Mainsall
Jurat coram nobis
7o ffebr 1642
Phil: Bisse
Hen: Rugge

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The examination of
Peeter Moinsell


Deponent Fullname: Peeter Mainsell
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Limerick
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Mohowene Moyle mc Mohowne, Thomas Dondon, Thomas og fitz Gerrald, morris Lee, Dominick ffaning, lord Roch, Oliuer Stevenson, Garrald fitz Gerrald, Therlagh mc Mohowne, kinge Charles, George Courtny, Lawrence Meade
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Victim, Victim