Deposition of Henry Cooke
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 306r
Henry Cooke late of Balline hane in the parish of Ballingary barony of Connelloe and within the County of lymericke husbandman (a brittish protestant) duely examined and sworne before vs vpon oath by vertue of his Maiesties Comission to vs and others directed (beareing date &c) concerneing the losses robberies and spoiles since this rebellion comitted vpon the brittish and protestants within the Province of Munster &c deposeth and saith That aboute Christmas 1641 and diuers times since he lost was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chatles to the seuerall values followeing vzt worth 103 li.
{O}f cowes, yeerlinges, horses, mares and sheepe to the value of foure score {po}unds Of houshould goods to the value of three pounds Of hay and {c}orne in stacke to the value of fiue pounds ten shillin g es He saith that he was expelled and driuen away from his said farme & house where he lost of corne in ground woorth fifteene pounds The totall of his losses amounts to one hundred and three pounds ten shillinges He being further examined deposeth And That aboute the time aboue mencioned this examinants said Cattle with force and armes in a hostill maner were droven and caryed away by Robert Lacy of Ballingary in the said Com gentleman & by Richard Colme of lissevola in the said County gentleman He lastly saith that aboute the time aboue mencioned the said Richard Colme forceably entred this deponents said farme & possessed himself of the corne in stacke aforesaid whoe threshed the same & then conveyed the said corne soe threshed from of the land of Ballinahane aforesaid This examinant further informeth the And aboute the time last mencioned he heard the said Richard Colme openly say if I had said (quoth he) two yeeres agoe that the king was turned papist, it were treason in me, but nowe I may bouldly speake and afirme it, intimating thereby that his Maiesty is turned papist & further he deposeth not
Henary Cooke
Jurat coram nobis
23o Juny 1643
Phil: Bisse
Jam: Wallis
fol. 306v
The examination of
Henry Cooke
[ ]Reu