Deposition of Juan Lisse
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 313r
Juan Lisse the Relicte of John Lisse late of the Towne and parish of the hospitall and within the Countie of lymericke bruer lately deceased duely examined and sworne before vs by vertue of a Comission vnder the greate seale of this kingdome (beareing date &c) concerneing the losses robberies and spoiles since this rebellion comited vpon the brittish and protestants within the Province of Munster &c deposeth and saith That aboute the begining of Aprill 1642 & since she lost was robbed and forceably dispoiled of hirs goods & Chattles to the seuerall values followeing vzt worth 78 li. Of cowes & heiffers to the value of Twenty pounds Of houshould stuffe apparell and houshould prouision to the value of ten four e teene pounds Of ready mony the sume of ten pounds The deponent saith, that her said husband in his [ ] life time was dispossessed of a parcell of land at the hospitall aforesaid wherin he had a lease of one and Twenty yeeres yet to come, in this lease she conceaues her selfe damnified Twenty pounds Of debts amounting to the sume of Twelue pounds, nowe become desperat in regard all the deponents papers are lost & taken away by the rebells Of garden fruites to the value of fortie shillinges The totall of her losses amounts to threescore and eighteene pounds The deponent being further examined saith And That aboute the time aboue mencioned this examinants Cattle & other goods aboue named were forceably taken and carryed away by the hands and meanes of Teig ô Bryen of Tuothin the said County Esquire, Mortagh ô Bryen of the same gen & Morris Baggot of Baggotstowne in the said County gentleman and their forces consisting of Two or three hundred armed men or therabouts whoe kepte siedge to the house or Castle of the hospitall aforesaid, where an English ward then lay; & kepte for the space of fiue weeckes dureing which time (among diuers other acts of hostility Rebellion the said parties cruelly murthered or caused or consented to murther the said John Lisse, together with Two other English & protestants namely Hugh ffoord of the hospitall aforesaid husbandman and William Jennett of the same yeoman & further she canot depose
Juan [mark] Lisses marke
Jurat coram nobis
23o May 1643
Phil: Bisse Jam: Wallis
fol. 313v
Juan Lisses Exam